Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yo bros! Firstly on the agenda... apoligies are in order for a lack of blogcast being cast into my blog of late. It was an unfortunate situation of crapness, uni-ness and work-ness which rendered me "busy."

Today is the last day of semester for Uni! (heck yes!!!) Now for 2 weeks of exams - or for me, major works upon major works (HECK CRAP!) I have to get my butt down to the beach and collect some seaweed and gross but cool shaped beachy things to take to crapclass - a.k.a. Urban Mapping.

So I am still rushed for time. Luckily, I owe a blog and will have my work half cut out for me. I mean to say, that I have been CHOSEN! Yes, I am the chosen one =]

While I wouldn't like to confess to following "The Rules" - oh yeah, I'm such the rebel! - I also don't like breaking the chain of what I think is quite a cool idea.

So without further adieu, I present to you, The Rules and my consequential blogcast!

The Rules
~ Link to the Blogger who tagged you. She goes by the name of Zoe.
~ In your blog, post The Rules and...
~ Six quirky but unspectacular factoids about yourself
~ Tag six other bloggers by linking to them
~ Go to each person's blog, and leave a comment that lets them know they've been tagged.

Six quirky but unspectacular? 
Yeah. Ok? First 6 things that I think of are...

1. I hoard things. It's an unfortunate obsession... as I'm cleaning my room at the moment, and having trouble moving due to the mass amount of things I have er..."collected."
I sulked so badly when my mum chucked away the 18 bottles of Mount Frankins/flavoured waters (some still half full) in my room last month, which I insisted I would need one day to use as a drink bottle... At the moment, I have 7 on my floor hidden in the corner.

2. Bending books is a pet hate of mine. I cannot stand it when people read chapter books with the cover folded over so it touches the back. Anything wider than 45-60 degree angle makes me flinch....  and I hate it when people write in books (both chapter books and textbooks) in anything other than pencil! 
3. Hair! As vain as it might sound, I love hair. I constantly strive for airbourne, cool, japanese-y, anime, punky hair!!!! I am still yet to achieve it though. BUT whenever anyone says they like my hair, it puts me on a high for the whole day! WHEEEE!!!!!!

4. Drums! I am expert at air drumming! And I am not ashamed to airdrum loud and proud on all public transport while listening to my if only I could be so expert on the real thing...

5. I like to make up my own lingo. One day, I will write music which incorporates this lingo and my band will release our album with a special edition dictionary inside it so that people can actually understand the songs. Fo shizzle my nizzle, it'll be bangin!

6. Weird fact. In my first year of Uni, it seems I have managed to accumulate more shirts for free than knowledge from various events. I have gotten shirts for:
- Unicrew
- Suburban Team with Prince Caspian on it
- AIME - Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience as well as a Hoody
- Rocka with an "N" on it as part of the word ROTWANG.
- Colgate
There are probably more... but other than the hoody, none of these I will probably ever wear again...

So my Chosen People are:

Seeing as I shouldn't tag people who have already been tagged..... i'll add someone on Livejournal...Areyoustrange

Well, I'll leave it to these good people to decide if they wanna continue the chain thing. It's actually kinda hard to get 6 people!

Oh heck, I just found 2 more bottles of water on my table. LOL

Peace out xox


m.h.a said...

OMG! I have that very habit. I love drumming, be it air, or table or anything in the world or even foottapping. And i really love doing it while listening to some good stuff. So its cool i finally found someone who did that as well its not that strange i guess? Hehe

m.h.a said...

And btw i love all kinds of drums. Just love em.

Anonymous said...

i'm wid u on no.2,3 and 5...i used 2 b a hoarder mum broke ma habit....i'm more of an air guitarist.....i have the same aspirations 4 my urs btw ie watever i can make out from ure profile pic

aa said...

Something's telling me that I'd better do my tagged post soon...

Anonymous said...

I will do this!
I'm so normal I have trouble thinking of my quirks!

Annie said...

thanks Zanzibar Nights, You just made my day! ;) haahahaha

I do airguitar too. ...and air bass and air keyboard and air... yeah I'll shut up.

and I'm looking forward to reading your tagged posts, buttercup and hfm. WOOO! I reckon you'll be right, I only tag interesting people ;)

Jessmindalala said...

I'll get around to it...

No really, I will. And I'll try to think of things that you don't actually know, too, which is going to be hard :S

Anonymous said...

I've done my tagged post!

Tom said...

And now I'm in the tag game too...and I blame you.
Kidding, I blame hfm.
Kidding again!

btw Hi!

Tom said...

It looks like we have the same field of interest then. :) Media basically; movie, tv, radio, music, photography. All artsy thing. :)
And I can't imagine doing just one for the rest of my life neither.