Friday, September 26, 2008

Blind Babies and Urban Mapping

Alright, so forgive me for sounding completely retarded if it is but I honestly thought it strange. I saw a kid in a pram today, like a baby.... well not a baby, maybe a little bit older than a baby baby. Do you know what I mean?

Hmm... I mean to say, I saw a really little kid but being as inexperienced with infants as I am, I really couldn't be sure of an age. Perhaps 2? Perhaps 1? It was at the kind of age where they can't walk yet. This kid, though, was wearing glasses. Is that weird? Or is that just me? I really honestly was like... la la la... hey WHAT??!?!? 

I mean it could be a problem with his eyes from birth, and if so, that really does suck. But I mean, babies that age can't read yet can they? So what the heck? Did it just watch marathon upon marathon of the Wiggles followed by some intense Sesame Street? I don't even understand how a baby could be capable of understanding that this annoying contraption is meant to stay on its nose. Impressively, this one seemed capable.

In other news, I went on a most ridiculous "excursion" yesterday for one of my creative arts classes called "Urban Mapping." We took it thinking we were going to be creating artworks based on areas of the city involving photography, videos and passerby interviews. Sounds pretty cool when the other choice was to draw nudes. Instead, we were taken to the beach to climb rocks, walk over all the sand dunes, learn about how these cliffs came to be and watch a video made for children on the history of Wollongong at the Museum of Wollongong (yes we have a museum). The narrator had a really crappy fake "Australian" accent and looked like he was pretending to be Abraham Lincoln or something. 

Somehow, we are now meant to create an artwork out of that using 4 large pieces of cardboard and doing things like making people walk over them at the beach or leave it in a drain for a week so that the environment is "immersed" in our artwork. Inspired? No. Confused? Yes.

I got some kickarse photos though and it was definitely funny seeing people out of their comfort zone - it's clear the beach isn't everyone's cup of tea.

I thought this was a cool photo, looks like we are walking in a line off the cliff - very pied piper.

Pretty shot, eh?

LOL at the people jumping awkwardly on the rocks and there's a guy with a bike too..
Sitting like kindergarteners listening to our wacko lecturer tell us about the Russian Revolution.
Well, anyway, it was quite the experience. Maybe I would have been better off drawing nudes.

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