Tuesday, October 7, 2008



I have finally uploaded the photos of Amigos Night. They aren't best of quality but not too bad considering it's a video camera. My digital camera decided to take a rest for the night with whines of low battery power... can't blame him. I work him pretty hard and as everyone says, "everyone is getting sick lately."

It was an ace night! We had 3 sombreros to share, plenty of tacos, cocktails and singstar (till 3am) to keep us entertained...and, of course, the Amigos".

We had a heated argument *ahem* discussion on the best order in which to make a taco. Half feel that it is the mince first, then cheese so it melts and then the salad and the other half feel it is lettuce first as the cheese has to be on the top. Any opinions??? It's still an unresolved argument....

The following day, after a good sleep in, we took our Amigo spirit down to the beach. I think Sombreros will be the next big thing!!!!

Due to restrictions Mr Blogger.com imposed, I can't seem to upload anymore. Ah well, if you want more.....  beg =] mwaahahahaha


Matty said...

Wheres the photo of you and me and out mustaches!!! Ahem!

Matty said...

P.S Love the first pic. Great effect, captures the true mexicaness of the night.

Annie said...

lolll ohh i forgot to upload the ones from when my digital cam was working....that photo is on the other camera. lol ill put it up later when i come bak from work tonight :p

Anonymous said...

supsup dude!!!

so i finally (not sure if thatll work, im kinda new to this html stuff) but i FINALLY checked out your totally awesome blog which is TOTALLY AWESOME, on my totally awesome new laptop that has a keyboard that actually works! awesome!!!!


but seriously, what a fantastic way to keep people up to date on what youve been up to, and i laughed so hard reading, especially the ode (i guess) to your old phone. but new phone, yay! and yeah purikura in sydney costs too much. but im not that fussed on sumo salad i dont think but i'll go try it sometime just cos you recommended it. :D

we def have to do heaps more stuff like mexican night, i just wasnt sure bout organising it cos dont you guys have exams n stuff coming up??? but yeah, i'll email everyone bout it sometime soon.

peeeeeeeaaaaaccccee out

oh this is elira btw
i really gotta get me one of these