Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Walk Through a Day in the Snow

So remember when I said that this winter is the warmest winter ever on record? Well, it looks like things are changing... the last week of January has been one where the city is beginning to be consistently covered in a layer of snow rather than just ice. As I look out my window, rather than simply icicles on the trees, I see snow. About a week ago, I was walking to Uni whilst it was snowing and rocked up to Uni with snow all over me!

The day that it snowed quite a bit, I went for a wander around the city appreciating the beauty of the place and had a Fika at Varmlands nation with my friend Manon followed by an exploration of the impressive Cathedral which is central to Uppsala as what you use to base where everything in the city is. I'm just going to take you on a quick overview of this day - my first day when it snowed - in picture form!

As I walk out of my room, I deck myself out in scarf, gloves, beanie and all the trimmings. Mind, I didn't think it would be so cold. Still I had a quick check out the window!

Weather forecast: Snowing... cold.

As I walk out of my building, I walk past one of many bike racks. My bike is parked here. I'm bus-ing it though! No way am I going to break my bones on the snow!

Walking to the bus stop, I take a photo behind me. The building being cut off is mine! Bld 3!

I pass this path on the way. It looks interesting. I'll definitely be exploring this path on a bike sometime

Waiting at the Bus Stop of Sernanders Vag! Here, I catch the Number 2 bus and it leaves every 10 to 20 mins or so. Not too bad at all!

On the bus! Taking a sneaky photo....

Getting off the Bus! I walk towards the Cathedral to find Varmlands which is near it

I pass by a snowman - he is pretty cute!

In Varmlands nation, we sit on a table under this painting of this guy... and drink some tea. I need to get more photos inside of the buildings they are awesome! This is all I have though from Varmlands and it is blurry!

Outside of Varmlands, we take some photos with the Cathedral and then build a snowwoman for the snowman! The snow was too powdery though so... it kinda sucked! But it is totally a SNOWWOMAN!

My gloves were covered in this powdery snow...GREAT! I totally needed colder hands!

Walking up the cathedral steps...there were more behind us

I have not been to many proper giant old churches so it was definitely going to be an experience! Also there was lots of snow on the ground!

Inside the Cathedral


Satisfied by a good exploration, we walked back to the bus stop and I found some TREES! IN A LINE!

Back in my room as it gets dark (around 3:30pm)

Well that's about it! That night I believe I went out for a drink with Mina at V-Dala Nation and chilled there. Got some nice views of Uppsala at night too!

Just as a note Jess: I am drinking a lot of Pear Cider here in Europe too! Swedish Pear Cider is yum! Remember from Ed Sheeran? That was good Cider and a great concert!

This nation is the newest of the nations and you can really tell the difference. I much prefer the feel of the 500 year old buildings to hang out in! Well anyway that is all for this one!


Rachael : ) said...

Love the pictures :). Snow makes things so picturesque lol

Erin said...

That cathedral looks so awesome!!! Very cool.

Also, I would like to point out that you people didn't want to go to europe with me, cause you thought all I would want to do is look at churches. And what are you doing? Also, the number of churches I have looked at for fun numbers literally zero. Well, we looked at one on a school excursion. Which WAS fun, but it wasn't my idea and it wasn't optional.

One more thing, are your earmuffs too big? They don't seem to sit right...

Annie said...

Snow is pretty amazing! Did I tell you about how I saw real snow flakes the other day? Amazing!

Lol I totally dind't not want to go to Europe because of boycotting cathedrals. It's true I dont really want to see them as much on this trip but a quick walk around in the cathedral i live right next to.. seems like an appropriate thing to do!

yes but cathedrals are pretty spectacular ill give you that! yeah my earmuffs are prolly too big. but alsocause I wore it over a beanie either way it is doing the trick so I'm not complaining!

How is your europe trip comign along? everything all booked? sorry about the typos its very cold!

Erin said...

I bet it's cold!!

It's been on the news how cold it is. They were showing pictures of palm trees covered in snow in italy. I guess I can forgive the typos in that case.

And yeah! We are all booked!! I'm not entirely sure we'll be seeing ANY cathedrals now I think about it...no...we must be...I must have just forgot which ones and where....

Pretty exciting!!!

Annie said...

Wow I didn't know it was snowing in Italy. It's fair amazing right now the view I have outside the windows. Every tree is basically white and I am just WOW could it possibly be more white than last week? Apparwently. So yeah, it is getting cold and I'll be going up to Kiruna soon where it is EVEN COLDER! baah.

Palm trees covered in snow haha how ironic. Did they say anything about sweden? Wow all booked that's really exciting! I'd love to know the dates you guys are going and where! No cathedrals? Surely there are some in england and norway? I dunno. I dunno too much about either. Wow hav you guys already planned exactly what and where you are going to the point where you knwo the cathedrals? NUTS!You guys are the planning pros!