Sunday, January 22, 2012

Swedish Peanut Butter

I'm still trying to get used to eating the food here in Sweden. One of the big things that they eat here are like these crackers called Wasabrod or  Knekkebrød.

Not 100% sure exactrly how to eat them but one morning I decided to give it a try with a variety of toppings. Here is my Wasabrod with potato salad, ham, peanut butter and pesto.... obviously not all at once. Interesting breakfast if I do say so myself.

I have bought peanut butter here, as you guys know, I like peanut butter and the brand here is pretty strange and I believe that Australian peanut butter is by far, better! But here it is Skippy! It sounds like it should be Australian hey?


Rachael : ) said...

hmmm... it looks much darker than our peanut butter..

Erin said...

Why is it bad? Is it oily? Or dry?

dylan said...

knekkebrod! we bought that from ikea once...or something very similar anyway. it was gross haha, good luck trying to find a yummy way to eat it!

Annie said...

Yea it is darker, and a bit bubbly and really really dry. Like hard to spread dry. And when you spread it - it does not spread evenly but in clumps so it doesn't cover the bread in a nice even manner. It also has not got a lot of taste so I smother it heaps thick on there and still it is not strong tasting like in Australia so I have already nearly used half the container!!!!! That's a lot of peanut butter!

Knekkebrod is not sooo bad! What didn't you like about it? It just tastes liek a super super crispy biscuit. It's kinda annoying HOW crispy it is because the crumbs go EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

Katiemay said...

So they look like some pretty interesting crackers. Seem to be a little dry. Perhaps a dip of some sort would be best to have with them? Or ice cream since they look a little like waffles?

As for the peanut butter, have some honey with it to take away some of the dryness? Atleast it appears to be an Australian brand.

BTW, is there a way I can get alerts or something to see when you either put up a new blog or respond to a comment? I made an account for myself I just don't know how to do anything.

Actually never mind. I just saw the follow up comments box :)

Annie said...

The crackers are very dry indeed! And crispy like you have no idea. Yeah I should look into dips. Icecream...interestin.g It's kinda cold here so I'm not sure I want icecream :P

Skippy sounds so aussie right! But it is swedish. Yeah you can sign up for google blogger and then "FOLLOW" me and so when you sign in.. you can see my posts on there. or else the other way is to use an RSS FEED eg google reader. However, that's all kinda tedious and involves you needing to go on a site to see it anyway so you might as well just go on here you know? Yeah follow up comment box is AWSOME haha but otherwise I believe just checking the blog everynow and then is the waaay! Thanks for reading and writing to me! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Please just put some butter and sliced cheese upon your knäckebröd, that is how swedes actually consumes it. And you should try out another peanut butter brand, we have a lot of them actually. One that I like is the brand Garant which you can find at the grocery store called Hemköp. Hope you are coming back to Sweden some day to make up for your mistakes.