Thursday, January 19, 2012

Meatballs At IKEA

This is the letter I needed to open when I ate a meatball in Sweden

Here are my meatballs from Sweden! Just as messy and tasty as they are in Australia!

In Answer to your questions Erin, I am having fun in Sweden yes! It is quite cold. I wear stockings under my jeans now and scarves and earmuffs and am still sometimes quite cold. Mainly it is my face which is cold. All the buildings do seem to have heating which is pretty trippy because outside is cold and inside is so warm and so I am constantly taking things off and putting them back on over and over again. Which means that I lose things quite easily e.g. gloves. The meatballs were quite tasty. As I said, I don't think meatballs get much tastier than how tasty they normally are lol but I feel the brown sauce can make quite a bit of difference. IKEA is pretty cool. I have not been to Sweden Mcdonalds no but have been to MAX which is Swedish version of Mcdonalds. Is that ok? :P And YES I LOVE YOUR HANDWRITING ERIN


Jessmindalala said...

I also love your handwriting Erin

Elira said...

As do I.
I am actually quite hungry having seen the picture of meatballs and sauce, no joke. Because it got me thinking about the meatballs I've eaten at ikea here. So now I want meatballs, it's very logical.
Ikea trip anyone??

Annie said...

I think an IKEA trip is very fitting! You guys should totally go and celebrate Swedish/Dutch culture! I'll make meatballs for you when I'm back in Aus Larry :P

Erin said...


how I love IKEA. The meatballs do look exactly the same. thats kinda cool, but a bit disturbing.

And btw Annie, if you keep losing your gloves, you could have them on a string so they hang from your sleeves. lol. That would be gold.