Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Just for you Erin, Here is a blog with some cheese!

This is a cheese shop in Amsterdam near Angela's house that has really gross mouldy cheese!


Alex said...

Must have been a pungent store! They could have complimetary pegs at the door don't you think? I think I could attempt the 3rd picture myself by stuffing some cheese in an old sock and leaving in the cupboard for a few months...probably would be more of a health hazard though than piquant delicacy eh?

Elira said...

Furry cheese!!!
I hope you tried some (I forgot to ask when we were Skype-ing) because you've been eating lots of cheese and it seems like a very essential Amsterdam experience!

Annie said...

Lol no I didn't try any it was way way too gross and yes Alex it was quite pungent smelling store. I wish there were pegs! what a lovely idea. I wonder what they would say if I just walked in with a peg on my nose... I'm sure they would not be impressed.

Ok Alex why not give it a try making cheese that looks like this! You can take a photo I'll post it on my blog!!!!

Erin said...

Aw! Thanks Annie! Photos of icky cheese!
Maybe I'll save them and keep them with my photos of lichen. They look kinda the same. I could even make a game 'lichen OR cheese?'

Annie said...

That is a top idea Erin. We can play it when I come back to Aus. I LIKE IT.