Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bicycle Ride of Death....

For those who know me, I'm a bit of a wimp. One thing that I am pretty not good with is heights. Another is spiders. Another is big animals. Another is rollercoasters. Another is now, sitting on the back of a bike while they ride through Amsterdam. (especially seeing as it is such a "crazy" city: see previous blog) And for those people who said yay to "knowing me," they would certainly know that that would not be my cup of tea.

Last night, we out for dinner and I had to sit on the back of Michiel's bicycle to get there. It was not a seat, it was like a metal frame made for holding your bag. And I was terrified. TERRIFIED. I held on to the bar under the bicycle seat for dear life, straddling the "seat" with my legs dead straight at a silly angle so as to be as far from the wheel as I could in case it smashed up my legs and whimpering. Angela thought it was hilarious and she kept saying how funny I looked because I was dead straight and not moving at all. Dude, I was not wearing a helmet! And I didn't have a proper seat. I could DIE! DIE I TELL YOU. Add to that, the freaking cobblestones and the speed bumps are kinda painful on your arse and so I was bouncing around as well. Ow, ow.... arggghh.... OW OW OW!!!!! Ok maybe I'm being a little dramatic. I think it is probably something I can get used to. But it was still a pretty scary first experience for me.

I'm happy to ride a bike without a helmet, I just want to be in control and in the seat. Can't wait for Sweden! (although admittedly, I am actually a little nervous). But I'm a Gryffindor so I need to suck it up *proud face*


Matty said...

Haha. Funny story. I like the imagery.

Erin said...

Helmets are so good! They keep your brains in your head! Even if you are holding the handle bars!

Annie said...

I am all about the imagery hahaha. Lol and Erin, here in Amsterdam, it's not about the brains, it's about being stylish! Noone looks stylish wearing a helmet on a bike... here people ride bikes without helmets and text while riding! I was amazed when I saw that