Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hooray It's Australia Day!!!!!!

I realised I don't have a single photo of any of our Australia Day ventures on my computer!! This makes me quite sad. Does anyone have any and would like to send me some? I'd really appreciate them :D I'm missing Australia a lot today actually. It is a good place to live. Sweden is pretty awesome too but hey, It's Australia Day! Of course, I'm also missing all of our fun adventures. I wish I had brought my Aussie Boxers with me.

Instead, I went to a Swedish Op Shop and bought a cheap green shirt (which says Little Miss Giggle) on it and a child's yellow beanie with a giant pom pom on top. It sounds pretty cool right? It would be except that despite the fact I have a pretty small head, the beanie keeps randomly popping off my head because it's really just too small for me. I wonder if I can use bobby pins to secure it... I don't have any. Care to send me some?

Well, I hope everyone had an awesome Australia Day!

This is a fairly funny video which is going around all the Aussies in Sweden... it's a bit rude in bits but still kinda funny.

Also this one:

Aight well anyway! That's pretty much all. I'd love to know how your Australia Day was and what everyone got up to though.... so hit me back!


Erin said...

I don't have any photos either!!!! oh no!!!

Well, I have one. Well, I have 5. But only one that looks like anything. The other four are blured.

And I forgot to wear my boxers!!! oh well. Next year....

Rachael : ) said...

We had an awesome day! Well... I did at least :P (except for the frog dying *sniffles*... the frog that is NOT named Squash!). Erin has a facebook photo of what we got up to :)

Annie said...

Aw I can't believe the only photo you have of Aussie day erin is one of me looking angry! And I can't believe you didn't wear your aussie boxers. What a disgrace...where is your aussie pride? Oooh I liked the photo on facebook too! Sounds like a lot of fun it's a shame I couldn't make it. Hope you guys are well.... you guys are finished UNi now... so what are you guys planning to do from here on in?!?!?!?!

confused. what are you both doing with your life! haha

Katiemay said...

A happy belated Aus day to you annie. Was there many aussies to celebrate with? Atleast you had on one of our national colours.

I'll have a look in the morning for some other Aus day photos where you aren't wearing a scowl :p I'm sure they're on a USB somewhere.

Annie said...

Hey Katie! Thanks for all your comments! I love comments and love to hear from you guys! Missing you all heaps! It would be so cool if you guys were here...

There are about 40 aussies in total here on exchange but I haven't met all that many to be honest. Some are super friendly but a lot of them have other friendship groups but hey! It's prob best this way because we are here to mix with internationals from other countries! I did have aussies to celebrate and I turned everyone around me into honourary aussies for the day as I had a million stickers and passed them around. The aussie spirit was definitely around. I'll be posting a blog about it today! I hope.

Thanks for looking for aussie photos! Also I did find the photos you sent me in your envelope I'm sorry I onlyt found that envelope recently...but I would say I have only just settled into my room finally it's taken time but it's starting to be great! I'm loving my room heaps! I'll also be answering your email soon! Thanks for sending me the email! I'll try and address your questions in my blog too :D