Friday, January 6, 2012


Hey Everyone~!

I'm in Sweden! Even better, I'm in Uppsala! Or is it? I'm sitting in the hostel room and realising that maybe coming here a week early to a student town deserted of students was not the smartest idea.... there is like NOONE HERE. I am sharing a dorm with two older guys who are not students. I also got incredibly lost getting to the hostel, and the wheels of my EXTREMELY HEAVY luggage either froze over or got clogged up with so many clumps of salt that they literally stopped rolling and so I was DRAGGING my suitcase around in the blistering cold trying to find where the crap I was meant to go when really I had no idea because all I had was some very vague instructions that didn't match anything I could see and I didn't have a map and yet again, global roaming did not seem to be working! Also my luggage was so heavy, I was going down an escalator and it went rolling down it, dragging me along seeing as I felt it not a good idea to let go. That was fun. It wasn't too bad I caught myself pretty quick but hey - it was still pretty crazy!

The one good thing is that I have WIFI! And also that I made it here safely. I did find the hostel in the end. It was pretty crazy for a while and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed firstly because this hostel seems to be deserted and secondly because I have no idea what to do now. I went for a walk around the hostel and found that there is nothing and nobody but it's a nice hostel... very clean! I also can't fit my gigantic luggage into the place I'm meant to put my luggage under my bed... so now I don't know what to do with it. It's just sitting in the middle of the dorm in everyone's way. Not that there is many people to get in the way off. Hmmm.... so I think I should probably go outside and explore. Hopefully at breakfast tomorrow there will be more people to see and find out exactly what I should do. Otherwise apparently Stockholm is where it is at!

There is no snow! But you can tell there could have been because of all the ... salt? I think it is. Lots of crystalised crap on all the pathways and roads that make it impossible to wheel my suitcase around. Salt is meant to be used to dissolve the snow... sooo..... there must have been some. But WHERE IS IT NOOOOW??? And where are all the people???? Golly... this is all so strange and odd. I think I might go outside and take a look around! (with my map that makes no sense cause it is in Swedish.


angela said...

Pictures please!

Rachael : ) said...

Awww. Hopefully you'll find people soon!

Elira said...

You made it to Uppsala!!! I knew you would in the end you intrepid adventurer you ;)
That really sucks that you got lost trying to find the hostel, and I can't believe there is no snow! What kind of a snow substitute is salt???? Obviously it is more important to have snow for novelty value than it is for people to be able to get on with their lives more efficiently.
Dragging a heavy suitcase around while travelling is absolutely the worst. Did you get everything in ok though with your lower weight limit? That sucks about there not being people yet but I'm sure there will be, if you could go out and familiarize yourself with the city around the hostel a little bit on your own then when people arrive they will all want to hang out with you because you're the expert :)

Katiemay said...

Yay for making it to Sweden! It would seem I have a few blogs to catch up on :)

I'm glad you finally made it to the hostel without freezing. Was there no-one around to ask for directions?

It still amazes me that you haven't seen snow yet! Atleast salt is the same can pretend??

Hope you make some friends soon!

Annie said...

I am totally an intrepid traveller!.... I don't totally know what that means though... haha

HAH salt is in no way a good substitute for salt. It's annoying as and kinda slippery! Although so is snow and ice apparently. Today I slipped and fell on my arse and got snow all over my butt which sucked.

Yayyyy comment from Katie! Hi Katie! Nah, Uppsala was pretty empty so it was hard to ask directions when there is noone around. It was like Finding Nemo.... when they look for someone to ask directions and in the end ... there is only the little fishy... who is a big fishy... except I didn't appraoch the little/big fishy... ok maybe that doesn't make that much sense...

Thanks for leaving comments guys :D and reading!