Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tricked Ya! It's Cologne Part 2!

Happy Belated Christmas Everyone!

Hope it was a great one. I"ve been meaning to write a quick blog about Christmas but haven't really had much of a chance. I've been keeping myself reasonably busy and I like to write long blogs if you haven't noticed. Perhaps I should start keeping my blogs short and sweet. We will see, we will see.

So, something I realised I forgot to talk about in my last post cause the video took so long and I got too frustrated and just sorta cut it out without even finishing writing everything I wanted to say was about buffet breakfasts. One thing that is key to my heart is BUFFET BREAKFASTS. (Something to remember should you wish to woo me lol) Being treated to all that I can eat when I've just woken up while on holidays? That's the dream, that's THE DREAM. All my life, all I ever wanted to have was a buffet breakfast at the place I've stayed at - and for some reason, that always managed to not happen. It would be advertised that - yes, we have buffet breakfast - and then you turn up, and there is not one. It is a sad day when this happens. Mind, I have not stayed in hotels very much at all so it's realistically probably only happened once or twice. I did however have a buffet breakfast in Japan and it was wonderful. And I have now had a buffet breakfast in Cologne Germany.

How was it? Well, one thing I can say is it was tasty! But boy, Germans, and the Dutch and probably the rest of Europe as well sure do eat a lot of cheese and bread. There was a great variety of cheeses, and breads, and juices, tea, coffee, fruits, and bacon and eggs. I was quite happy and here are some quick photos of it because buffet breakfasts are important and need to be documented.

Also very important. I saw this crazy statue man who honestly looked like he was made of stone but when you put money in his bowl would do crazy moves like a ... I dunno, stone would move if it could move. He was pretty awesome. Like he would do crazy soldier swings and clack his shoes which were super clacky. I found him a little scary but I gave him money and got a photo of him like the dutiful tourist that I am.

Oh and cause it was quite cold in Germany, we went to a bakery and got some Hot Chocolates which was quite quite tasty!!!!!! 

OH dear, this christmas blog turned into Gent Part 2. I think I'll start a new post about Christmas now to make this all a little less confusing. MY BAAAD.

The hotel we stayed at was awesome but weird. They had heaps of paintings of feet everywhere. It was a little bit creepy LOL


Rachael : ) said...

Never underestimate the importance of food ;)

Annie said...

never underestimate the importance of buffet breakfast!

Katiemay said...

Glad to see you finally got the buffet breakfast you've always wanted :) It looks yummo.

I'm thinking maybe whoever owns the hotel has a foot fetish? It would explain all the paintings.

Anyways hope you had a good Christmas (I can't remember if I said that in my other comment or not). Keep having fun!

Alex said...

Hehehe Katie, I was just about to say that it must be a foot fetishists' listed hotel!

Also, I bow to the European largesse in classifying breakfast foods...cake, why yes please!