Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Hi Everyone!

I finally made it to Amsterdam. The plane trip was interesting-ish but mainly it was long. But hey! I'm on the other side of the world now! I've got lots to tell you guys about and photos and stuff to come. But I'll save that for later.

Just letting you know - I'M HERE!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D yay!


Jessmindalala said...

Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you're alive! Make sure you do run us through the plane trip because I'm very curious!


Annie said...

hi jessss!!!!!!!! I'm ALIIIVE!!! and of course I will be running through the plane trip :)

How are you going? I do hope you have subsruibed to this post thread so you know I've responded. How is living in the apartment and your roommate haha?

Rachael :) said...

HEYYYY AGAIN! Know we just had a conversation... BUT you said we should comment to inspire you to keep writing ;). So, hope you have an awesome day shopping and dont get lost or stuck in an awkward situation where you cant answer someone cos theyre speaking Dutch!

Annie said...

fully inspired please see above blog. and subsequent blog about the anne frank house which is to come :)

so far everyone seems to be ok to speak english with me - i realised i didnt even bother to learn even hello in dutch or do you speak english. i am pooorly prepared! good talking to ya before rach :) hope to do it again soon@!