Wednesday, December 28, 2011

No Snow! Oh Noooooo's

Christmas in Europe.

First thing you think of? Oh my gosh - you are going to have a White Christmas!!!!! I'm sorry to disappoint you, but not this year. It was instead a "warm" European winter christmas. Warm being that it was about 8 degrees (it's warm, says Angela!!!) and with a icey cold wind - BUT NO SNOW. Where is the Snow????? Well, of course, after so much hype I was pretty unhappy that there was no snow. Here is a photo to show you how much NO SNOW there is. This was taken from my sister's balcony on Christmas morning in Amsterdam.

You think it looks hot right? It's not. I thought I wouldn't need a jacket but Michel and Angela were like ...nooo you will still need to dress warm and they were right. It was FREAKING COLD out there. Unbe-freaking-levable!!!!!!!

But nevertheless, it was Christmas Day so I settled down to read me some letters written by my wonderful friends. All of which were raving about how much I must be loving having a white christmas. lol thanks for rubbing it in guys :P

Not the whole box, just the few that I have out of the box lol - otherwise that would be nuts!

To take the cake and make my day, was opening Alex's mystery card. I know you guys all wanna know what was in it, I've been getting bugged about it! Oooooooh and it was so amazing. I don't know if I should show you. The suspense is killing you right? Lol. Ok I'll show you. Thanks Alex for the AMAZING CARD and it is so beautiful and I cannot understand how you made it. TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME.


May I just point out, that is GOLD FLAKES. Real Gold Flakes. Do your friends give you gold flakes? That is something special. And you probably can't tell what it is made of.... it looks incredibly pretty though and I hope that Alex will let me know exactly how she came to make such a pretty card. Thanks for the card Alex and to everyone else who wrote me letters and the letters from before christmas and the letters I will read in the future.

Also: here is a cute photo of the cat and how excited he was on Christmas morning

Lol - he is cute. Still very feisty though! But he is starting to get better seeing as I am now the one who feeds him everyday :)

Moooving On. Next Blog - Christmas Dinner at Michel's Parents HOuse.


Rachael : ) said...

Awww no snow! What a rip off! You should ask for a refund from the travel agents :P. On another note, I think the question you should have asked, is where exactly Alex got the gold flakes :P. Pretty darn awesome card though Alex! Awww, but that cat looks so innocent! *coughs*

Katiemay said...

Wow. That is a fairly awesome card! Wonder how long it took to make.

Its a shame you haven't seen the snow yet :( Also can't beleive that 8 degrees is considered warm! Nuts I tell you.

That cat looks a little crazy. Kind of like it has had catnip around. Still pretty cute though.

Alex said...

The making of the card pre-dated any gold schnapps imbibing I can assure you! See, Rock Eisteddfod was moderately educational- all that screenprinting had to come in handy somewhere down the line eh?

Also, that cat looks slightly posessed?