Monday, December 26, 2011


Guess what my jealous people, I have been to Germany!!!!!!!! GERMANY!!!!! Yeah, we just casually drove there on the 23rd Dec to go check out these small-time Christmas Markets, you know? It was about a 2 and a half hour drive. And ok, the markets were AH-MAZING!

It was hard to get photos again cause christmas lights don't always translate right on camera. Someone tell me how if you know! But I did take a few videos for you guys to enjoy! And I put them together roughly... it's just to give you a taste of the feel. We went to two different xmas markets. The first is the really super crazy one with all these lights and it's very festive but more commerical and the second one if a little more dark, and quiet, and halloweeny with purple lit trees and a nice vibe! It is common to drink hot gluwein - mulled wine - which you get in mugs you need to buy but then you can return and get the money you paid for them back. You can see that in the video - we ended up keeping the mugs we got from the second markets cause they were less crazy. The first ones if you see in the video were rather too colourful... the other market's mugs had like kissing dwarves. A much better improvement!

Cologne if you know anything about it is super famous for their giant cathedral called the DOM CATHEDRAL,. And man it looked pretty nuts and menacing with the christmas lights. Look it up but here are a few photos around the place for you.


Rachael : ) said...

Pretty photos :). Do you realise, that that video looks like you're stalking your sister LOL! I spose you sort of are following her around, but its funny all the same :P. Merry second christmas :)

Annie said...

lol... I AM stalkikng my sister. gosh Rachael now everyone knows! thanks.