Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anne Frank House

Just got back from a crazy big day of exploring Amsterdam on my own and getting lost in this crazy place which is all river canals and little cobbled streets - like literally row after row after row with intersecting more rows and more rows. It's pretty awesome! It started rather wet-ly - it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella and I could not find for the life of me how to get back to Angela's apartment to get another one.

Once I finally did get back, I hopped on Skype for a bit then was back out again - umbrella in hand and my new gloves (as my fingers were really cold) - heading for the Anne Frank House Museum. It was actually really cool and I got to walk through the annexe that Anne Frank describes in the book and read things from it. For once! A museum which I actually know things about! It was so interesting! And Sad. But a good experience all in all.

Also I found this BEER BOOT STEIN - dylan, helen and bill know about this!

 Anywho! I'm super pooped from walking the entire city all day. So that's all. Just a quick update. But I bought two postcards from the Anne Frank House (WITH STAMPS!!! although the stamps seem to be just normal ones) and will post them to the first two people to comment on this blog :)


Rachael : ) said...

Thats Awesome Annie! Wish I could come exploring with you (Damn they should hurry up and invent the teleportation machine)! I told you not to get lost! :P

Jessmindalala said...

woo hoo! postcard for meeeeeee!

Jessmindalala said...

have you ridden a bike yet? red light district? I'm so glad you're posting photos. Keep up the good work!

HerenMeron said...

DAS Boot! ja! Quick! jam 5 burgers into that thing right now and pretend to drink it! hahaha Oh and yes, anne frank...very good? lol

p.s I found your blog AND I'm commenting! Moving up in the world with my technological skills :)

Elira said...

That sounds amazing Annie! And I think that navigating in amsterdam on your own definitely tops our late-night adventures in Japan. I've never read Anne Frank but the museum and the cobbled streets sound really cool...

Katiemay said...

Annie! Glad you got there safely. Sounds like you are having an amazing time so far! Loving the photos that accompany the stories. Keep it up please!

Annie said...

Hi jess!!!! No I have not ridden a bike but I am in negotitations with someone at the moment for a bike in Sweden!!!! Did you ride a bike there? I recall you saying you guys didn't cause Nick doesnt like bikes??

Thanks Helen for finding my blog and commenting hahaha and Elira and Katie as well. Thanks for reading and commenting :D Definitely feel the love and that is why there are so many new postsd up. Elira you must read Anne Frank! And I am putting lots of photos in now :D But my words are wonderful tooo are they not? HAha

Ok I'm sitting down now to write Jess and Rachael's postcard :D lucky them.