Monday, October 13, 2008

5 cents

I'm at Uni right now. I was just about to leave to go catch the bus and it will leave in about 10 minutes so I need to hurry up.

It costs me $1.50 to get home and I just went through my entire wallet and found I'm 5 cents short. DAMMIT! So instead of running around the uni looking for a spare 5 cent coin or hoping to bump into a friend who can lend it to me, I thought I'd whinge about it on here and run to the bus stop and then just hope the bus drive doesn't mind breaking a 20 dollar note.

But man... don't you just hate it when your 5 cents short?!?!?!?!!


Matty said...

BA ba BAAAAAA!! .....
Will she catch the bus or not!
(To be continued .... )

If all your blog entries were this short I'd actually read them ;). Lol now your just trying to find anything to blog bout. I'm gonna create a new word.

Blogspam. And your a Blogspammer ;).

Annie said...

Ba ba baaa ..... i did make it!!!

And I'm digging it. Blogspammer. I like. I like. In fact, I will add that to my list of vocabulary :p

Thanks for leaving me comment love. You are a peach!

Zoe said...


Sorry to bother you, but you've been tagged! Head to my blog to find out more.

Also, i dig your writing, I can relate to so much of it!


Anonymous said...

been in tht situation many a time....darn jus hate it....but usually end up borrowin from frends...i think coins were jus made 2 disappear or sumthin...

Savvv. said...

Man, being short five cents always sucks majorly. Because it's five cents! It's that coin that nobody cares about and just leaves lying at the bottom of discarded plastic shopping bags. I bet if I went through all the old bags we have in our little bag sack (that sounds disgusting) at home, I could make up a whole dollar, easy.

Ah well, at least you made it home in the end.

aa said...

Thanks for the comment Annie! you are so sweet ^_^ oh and btw, I might be going to Japan next Easter hols - didn't you go to Japan sometime? What was it like?

Anonymous said...

hey i just found your blog - so funny (:

i only had a 20 dollar bill the other day and the bus driver wouldnt accept it! i had to scrounge off random strangers :P