Saturday, May 9, 2009

EXTREME BOWLING - 9 mexican wave

i Hola !

Just thought I'd give this a quick update before I wander off to bed. 

We've invented this great new game which I think will take the world by storm! It's called EXTREME BOWLING! Why EXTREME? - do you say? Ah, well - there ain't no jumping out of airplanes brandishing an iron or anything - see, Extreme Ironing if you are lost.

Actually, It's just extreme because it is of extreme superiority to your normal regular bowling. Here's how it works:

You have two teams bowling against each other to win a prize - in our case, a packet of tim tams (which I forgot to buy anyway so the prize was an imaginary packet). Each round of bowling, anyone who bowls a strike, spare, or gutterballs/misses has to pick up a card. 

Woah yeah thats right! We made chance cards - not unlike the kind in say, Monopoly. They say things like: you must be blindfolded and spun around on your next bowl, bowl with both hands holding the ball between your legs, for the remainder of the game - the first team to complete the mexican wave forwards and backwards everytime a 9 is bowled wins 3 bonus points etc etc. They even range to you must swap teams with the lowest scoring member of the rival team for remainder of game and name 10 chocolate bars with caramel in 30 seconds for bonus points. WOO we got it!

And yew for making big fools of ourselves with our crazy mexican waves every 5 minutes or so! Damn, 9 is a popular number of pins to knock over....

Well - it sure jazzed up the game! And despite Blue team being the "Official" winners - I maintain the fact that Red team remain truly victorious....

They got to bowl a whole extra round more than us!!!! now, how is that fair?!?!


Monster Girl said...

Extreme bowling sounds like a blast! I think I'm going to have to gather the troops and try this one out for myself!

Anonymous said...

hahaha....sounds like loads of fun...have made a note to try it wid frends!

Immaculat3 said...

For the record, and because I forgot to leave a comment on this last time I was here...


And yeah, sucks that I missed out on ParkLife :(. All my friends went.

And yeah, I'm PUMPED for soundwave. Going (in Brisbane) next year. I CANNOT WAIT FOR TAKING BACK SUNDAY. My GOD. Hahaha, even if I didn't like quite a few of the other people in the line up, I'd go for TBS alone.

And yeah, I'm a bit of a fan of yves klein blue.
Also... I don't know if they will bring it here. Krush bars have been open for over a year now in NSW (I know, cos I was living there this time last year...), but still no news of it arriving in Qld (or more importantly Brisbane) as yet. G H E Y L O R D.

You should get back into blogging.. then I can.. become a fan/member? I dunno, that thing where you add the person so you can 'follow' their writing. Hahaha.

Ciao, and thanks for replying. :)