Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Design is Kinky! Wooden Toy Yew!

HOLY MOLY! I'm so stoked - I just came home from work to find... not 1.. but 2 packages sitting on my desk!!!! Don't you love it when you get a package in the mail? It's spiggin awesome haha - yay for snail mail.

So what was in it - you ask? Well, this is going to sound a bit dorky - but I recently went to this really awesome Design conference called Semipermanent.
That's just a photo of the lecturn.

Anyway - it's this really awesome Design event with speakers, side events, workshops, competitions and an afterparty at the MTV (WHICH BTW WAS AWESOME). The bands playing were Grafton Primary and Yves Klein Blue.. Here's a rather artsy photo from the part-tay!

And here's a link to the "About Semipermanent" webpage.

My favourite speaker was this guy called Timba Smits who founded and designs the magazine called Wooden Toy. If you're anything as goo goo about design and pretty pictures and graphics and colours and stuff, then this is def something to check out! 

Timba showed us the process of what exactly goes into making one of the pages in his mag, and showed us all these examples of his work. SO INSPIRING!!! Every page is painstakingly and lovingly designed with hours upon hours of work and MY GAWD IT IS SOOO PRETTY!

These don't give it anywhere as much credit - but just so you got an idea...
Right, so as I was saying... before I got sidetracked. I got 2 packages in the mail. And I was really stoked. I knew one was the Wooden Toy magazine which I had ordered online the minute I got back from Semipermanent - there are only 5000 copies printed so it's a pretty big deal to get in early!

But what was the other one?.... 

Well, to cut it short... I now have this massive dilemma. They seem to have accidently sent me 2 copies of this limited edition BRILL-FRIKKIN-ILLIANT magazine!!!! There only 5000 copies available and I have 2! I feel so bad.... 

Should I send it back so they can sell it to someone else? Should I give it to someone who would appreciate the true beauty of such a precious magazine? It seems such a crime to have two just sitting here...

Yet at the same time, I WAAANT TO KEEP IT SOOO BAD!!!! I guess that's the hoarder in me talking as well as the fact that I LOVE LOVE LOVE pretty, colourful, well designed magazines and I would look after it soo well..... 

I would never open it more than 45 degrees so as not to wreck the binding...or crease the pages, or let it anywhere near water, or ... ARGH! Seriously - I don't know what to do... :(

Should I keep it???


kc law said...

the little capitalist in me says sell it =p

but sounds cool... yay for cool mag

there's your comment ;)

Matty said...

Capitalism seems to have failed us during this economic crisis ...

I say keep it. Keep it in mint condition and sell it as a collectors item in the future and you'll make thousands.

Don't be crazy, why would u pay to get it posted back!!

angela said...

don't post it!

Anonymous said...

seems like a cool mag...keep it hun! we aimt all saints! ;P (wicked grin)