Tuesday, September 30, 2008

When Broken is Easily Fixed - If only :(

I just wanted to say that computer viruses suck and I curse the people who created/create them. I don't understand why they have to ruin it for everyone else, especially me. All I want to do is love my computer in peace :( 

I have tried every possible virus scanner and still my computer is clogged up with virusey snot and running a dangerously high fever from doing absolutely nothing. It does absolutely nothing because as soon as I turn it on about 10 errors and virus related things fill my screen and I have to go through a marathon of clicking No, Decline, and Block before Spybot then tells me to restart the computer to get rid of the 36 viruses and threats it has found. To which, the cycle then starts again but worse each time.

One improvement is that the virus which caused my desktop background to become permanently white (leading to a bad case of snow blindness) has now rendered my background to look like this...

Yes that's right, the virus has tattooed a reminder that it still exists onto my background just to spite me for trying to kill it, and I cannot get rid of it or change the background.

It really is the pits. 

It's times like these I guess I can appreciate having a laptop as a backup so I can at least still have a computer of sorts....even if it is Apple.

But honestly, I am now at a complete loss as to what to do. It breaks my heart to see my beautiful baby so sick :'(


Jessmindalala said...

Lollllllllllll the background doesn't even fit your screen...

Sucks to be you :(

Oh well. You're in bed now. And I will be also in approximately ten minutes. And then I will see you in the pm for some Mexicano fun... Helen and I have been brushing up on our Spanish.

"Donde esta los tacos?"

"Cerveza por favor"

Excellente, si?

Adios amigo (:

SacredMidnight said...

Eep.. hmm try AVG antivirus even though it's somewhat okay.. Sucks that spybot doesn't really work, since that usually doesn't work. I would tell you to make an account on flashflashrevolution.com and ask for help there. Even though it's a game site, I read alot of posts on the forum asking for help because of viruses and the responses you get are really helpful...

Anonymous said...

Ugh,this happened to me too.
Our house computer has a ton of viruses so my bro just rebooted the whole thing, forbade us to go on it and then worked his magic on it!
Hope yours recovers soon!

Matty said...

What kinda websites have you been going on? ;).How did you manage to get so many virus'?!!!! Have you tried spyware and adware removers?

Oh to fix the screen have you tried right clicking the desktop and then clicking desktop tab and then change the options from center to stretch :D. Tell me if it works.

Gosh you leave a new blog entry everyday! OMG!

Matty said...

PS: I like your label for this ... Computer Viruses are the Devil LOL

Savvv. said...

"Even if it is Apple"???
You love your apple and you know it.

But still... :(

Computer viruses are the pits.
At least, I assume they are.
As having a mac, my computer has never actually had a virus...



But no, really... :(

Annie said...

Yew Amigos night!

And yes I have tried several, several, spyware and adware removers... and I can't change my background. Whch is the point, the virus has blocked the ability to right click on the background...it has also blocked most of the options in the Control Panel especially the add/uninstall programs one.

And of course the macbook pro is nice. I do love it. In fact, I'm on it riiight now. I still believe Mac's can get viruses as mine did...

Savvv. said...

I still have no idea how you did that. Nobody else in the world (that I know of) has EVER virused a macintosh computer. You, on the other hand, own one for a couple of days, and BAM. Virus.

Boggles the mind.