Thursday, May 24, 2012

Quick Peak of May

The end of my exchange is approaching and not surprisingly, time seems to be speeding up. Between some pretty ridiculous amount of Uni work and some pretty ridiculous nights of clubbing - we've been doing everything we can to spend as much time with each other out and about, pigging out on food, in the sun soaking up some much needed Vitamin D and watching sunsets and sunrises consecutively seeing as the sun at the moment goes down at 10:30 at night and rises around 3 in the morning. As I write this right now, I'm looking out the window at groups and groups of scantily-clad people lounging around on blankets on the grass tanning themselves. Walking around Flogsta, you can see people sun-baking everywhere and people with their windows open sitting on their desks with their legs out the window. It's a pretty amazing sight! The sun right now is definitely loved, here in Uppsala. So what kinda stuff have I been up to? Well - I have been riding my bike everywhere this month - which is tiring but quite rewarding at the same time!

There's been hang outs on the roof of our lovely Flogsta buildings watching the sunrise

BBQ and nachos on the roof, best time!

I'm a bit scared of heights, actually..

The Flogsta Sitcom Shot... totally unplanned might I add

Oooh yes! Portable flammable BBQs

There's been nights out at nations for events such as Open Mic Night and Katushka (Gypsy Punk Music and Russian Folk Techno music - AMAZING)

Ridiculous bike rides home with multiple people on a bike

The road home to Flogsta

Days where we sit by the river along with pretty much every other person who lives in Uppsala

That's a golden man which you sit on. So random!

We've had a trip to IKEA where I bought some much needed curtains and ate some much needed meatballs! (so cheap too! 17kr which is like $2.50)

I've also worked at Snerikes nation a few times working with Californians making the biggest American brunch buffet you can imagine and was rewarded for working with a big thank you party where we dressed up with a LMFAO theme!
The Helgfika Crew who run the brunch!

I was dressed as the shufflebot from LMFAO - complete with a box which I wore out clubbing which caused quite a scene hahaha really funny! Especially when "Party Rock" came on!

Us at work

I went for a walk with some of my corridor mates and Manon to look for the Oxes which live behind Flogsta. Sweden in Spring is so beautiful!!! I can't believe all of this is some 10 minutes walk from where I live.

Can you get any more Swedish than this?


Reminds me of Wizard of Oz

I had a really awesome dinner party with some mates! We made a damn good Indian Korma.

Last night, we went on an International Pub Crawl which ended up being a bit of a flop but we ended up making our own pub crawl which was awesome fun! We took it easy, and made 6 nation pubs that night! Not too bad! But my corridor mate, Tommi managed to make all 13 nations, something he had been trying to do since forever - so KUDOS to him hahaha.

Would love to repeat this photo with people we ACTUALLY know...

Lol I'll leave it to your imagination as to why we are laughing so hard!

Kalmar Nation

Gothenburg Nation

Snerikes Nation

V-Dala Nation

Self-timer focused on the most important thing - THE SKY!

Upplands Nation

Pretending to pose in a manly manner....

Other than that, a lot of cloud watching which is always nice - clouds seem so much nicer here than back home.

Yeah yeah... I think Europe has turned me into a Pantheistic Hippy! You know you love clouds too!

Alright, so sorry for the lack of blogging lately. Truth is, I've been spending days upon days working on my final assessment which I just handed in! I haven't had any time to write and also, with only a little bit of time left in Sweden - trying to use every spare second to soak it in! In fact, I'm finishing this now to go outside and sit in the sun with everyone else! Boy, my life is hard, isn't it?

Also - if you guys wanna arrange a Skype date sometime that would be so cool! I'll probably be much more outa contact once I start my epic trip around Europe and I am kinda pining to hear from everyone. Yeah! Miss you all and thanks for reading :D:D:D:D


Erin said...

Yay! Finishing of assignments!

What's wrong with those sheep? They look pretty ratty. Are they wet? Did it rain?

Also, I really love cloud photos. So nice work on a blog full of cloud photos. I dunno why, but I love clouds. They are so cool. And those are some fine examples!

Anonymous said...

What are you doing with all your luggage when you do your epic travel around Europe!? Lug it around with you? :o

Annie said...

Why thank you - I'm glad you liked the clouds! Yeah the sheep were super ratty. Our sheep are much nicer looking. These were just ratty and the hair was all falling out it was kinda gross. There were worse than the ones shown in this photo haha. It wasn't raining now they just are festy!

I plan to try and ship the majority of my luggage and the giant suitcase home from Netherlands to Aus before I go backpacking.. hopefully that works otherwise I'll be quite royally stuffed!

Rachael : ) said...

Wow the grass is so green! I love the way you can see the progression of seasons in your blog. We don't really get such defined seasons here... they all seem to meld into one another lol. I'd love to have a skype chat, its been ages since we've talked! When does your trip begin?

Matty said...
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Katiemay said...

It still blows my mind that you have all that 10 minutes away. It looks awesome! I suppose it would be pretty easy to become pantheist with all that around.

I also can't believe you're stay is almost up!Its sort of flown by but dragged aswell. You keen for the real epic travel to begin?

Perhaps the sheep were shedding now that winter is over? And that is why they are so mangy!

I have a new computer which came with skype so I'd love a little chat at some point! Would Tuesday evening (my time) work for you?

Erin said...

I was just thinking that maybe the sheep were sheding. Do sheep shed? I thought they didn't and that's why you have to shear them... I need to learn more about sheep.

I nearly came and visited Helen and Dylan and bill skyping you yesterday, but I was kinda busy filling in forms. And then they went to bills house, and I couldn't! Another time.

Alex said...

Wow, loving the pictures yet again!It's amazing over there how quickly everything rebounds out of winter in a riot of colour so I'm glad that you are soaking it all up! It's been freezing here...about 14 degrees in my room (which is paltry compared to what it was like in Sweden when your arrived) but seeing as I live in there it gets a bit chilly. Also, what is shufflebot? Looks super hip though! Can't believe how much DIY costuming you've done on your trip for all these themed wacky parties :) Missing you right back and waiting for the next instalment before you're off again to see the rest of Europe!

Annie said...

Heya! Thanks for the commments! Hey Katie - yeah I'm pretty amazed things have flown by. Even though Uni is nearly finished for me, I'm still super busy sucks cause it also means I've abandoned this blog a little in the last period of time. I'm def keen for the epic travel to begin! Yeah... the sheep are so mangy. I think it's funnny it's what you all are concentrating on :P BUt our sheep are so full of wool it IS quite alarming! Yeah, sure let's try to Skype! I'll text ya about it.

OOh Erin! Please do learn more about sheep! That is totally something useful to life. Oh sucks you couldn't come join the skype convo... what forms were you filling in? Is it about your med course thing?

Yeah Alex it is so crazy the changes in season. I think I'm finally starting to learn the seasons now! OH no! 14 degrees! That's SO cold... not :P haha nah nah I'm sure it is. Well stay warm mate!Shufflebot is from the band LMFAO! Just google it :) Yeah. I'm just so damn hip. Have I done many themed parties? I feel like I haven't really gotten into many actually haha! Will do another instalment soon as I get the chance.

Got one more assessment to finalise then I'm actually done :D