Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'll Take A Danish, Thanks

So here we go: Copenhagen - the neighbour of Sweden! It made no sense not to check it out so on the way home from London, I just decided to detour over there for the weekend. No big deal. My friends from Uppsala met me there too! The awesome foursome in Copenhagen for a weekend = a jam-packed crazy weekend of exploring, partying, shopping and experiencing the culture that is Denmark.

My standards I have to admit had been set pretty high by London and I took such an enormous amount of photos in London that by the time I got to Denmark, I was photo-ed out and just wanted to walk around and relax a bit. So unfortunately, I don't have a huge amount of photos from Copenhagen. I can blame it on the weather - it ended up being rather dreary and foggy for one of the days. Arguable, it was super sunny the next day... so I guess really I have no excuse. Shall we just call it laziness and move on? Lucky for me, my mate Manon gave me her photos from Copenhagen and she really really loved it there so she had quite a few!

Now, whilst I was in Copenhagen, I actually had some pretty mixed feelings about it. Whilst my friends fell in love with it - I remained under the spell of London to be honest. Don't get me wrong - Copenhagen was a great city! It was however.... interestingly, under a lot of construction. Seriously. It reminded me of the song "All Torn Down" by The Living End which is about a city that is always being built and as soon as it is done, it gets rebuilt again. We never get to see it finished. It was, for me, a little off-putting. There were lots of construction sites, and large fences blocking paths, big planks of wood on the paths and roads covering I assume pot holes and construction holes and in general quite a bit of mess. Actually we later found out the reason for the modernity of the buildings and construction in the city was due to the immense amount of fires which happen here because the inhabitants of Copenhagen insist on "cosy" homes with candles. Interesting!

Some examples of the construction

The Shopping Area

Still, the city has a great atmosphere and the people are unbelievably friendly, nice and helpful - way more so than the Swedes who have an impression of being quite cold and reserved (but are actually also very helpful when you ask). I especially enjoyed the Danish trains and some of the art and design around was really quite remarkable and in contrast to the Swedish. Of course, you could still tell you were in Scandinavia but there were definitely lots of differences in the culture which was so interesting!

This was the first feed I had in Copenhagen! A Hotdog! WOOT

Shopping down the oldest/longest shopping street....(in Scandinavia? I forget)

During a free tour of Copenhagen, we were introduced to the super picturesque and touristy part of Copenhagen which you usually see on postcards - THE COLOURFUL HOUSES AND THE PRETTY CANAL SIDE RESTAURANTS!


Oh man - I am leaving for Russia in like 10 minutes and I really don't wanna butcher this blog by rushing through it.... it's already feeling very rushed. I'm a little blogged out though.... But I also don't think I should just not post it before leaving as I'll be gone for a week. So this is my plan! I'm going to post this blog half finished! As I'm off to Helsinki and Russia - St Petersburg for Easter! (I might even get to see Ilona while I'm in Helsinki! :o ) - I will finish it when I'm back next Monday night.

My plan is that I'll be buying something special in Russia and I'll post it to one of you if I can get at least 6 people to comment on this post, egging me on to finish it, inspiring me or telling me about their day, or you know - entertain or amuse me! If I don't get 5 comments, that's ok - I'll keep the little present I buy! HOORAY! But if I get it, I guess I'll part with it and send it to one of you commentors - the one I like best maybe.... or maybe a random who knows!!! The other people who comment will get a postcard from Russia! HOORAY! :D

Happy Easter Everyone! Have the best week!

Back from Russia: Blog Continued! 10/04/2012

Thanks for all the great comments everyone - I do indeed feel loved and inspired to continue writing. I have a bunch of postcards from Russia too, so send me some love and perhaps you might find a postcard coming your way! But continuing on with Copenhagen. (and of course, trying my best to ignore the cuteness of the kitty with the lollipop)...

The walking tour of Copenhagen continued to the palace of the Royal Danish family - who is one I am somewhat familiar with thanks to their connection to Australia and all the hype of Prince Frederick and Mary. The tour guide remarked that the Danish family are quite down to earth compared to other countries (e.g. England with the Buckingham Palace). As such, we were able to walk right into the palace grounds and stand amongst the buildings. We were fortunate enough to have come at the time when Prince Freddy was in as the flag was up and the guards outside. They were wearing fluffy hats! Hooray! So while I didn't get to see them in London, the ones in Denmark were almost as cool! Here is the building that Prince Freddy lives in!

After the tour, we climbed the Copenhagen Tower to get a view of the city. This tower is unique because there are no stairs, but instead a steadily ascending, spiralling path which goes round and round and round. That was good fun to climb and we arrived at the top a little dizzy headed to find that the fog had subsided a little and the sun was out! Woo!

The tower - note the construction around it

The path up to the top of the tower

View from the top!

The awesome foursome at the top of the tower

Well, the big city tour, the climb up the tower and the rather fun walk back down the spiralling pathway had made me ravenous and so we went on a search for budget friendly food (which by the way is impossible to find in Copenhagen...woweee is it expensive here). We came across a really beautiful little area hidden in the city which had colourful buildings and a few good restaurants where we could eat a meal for a do-able price (around $12). It was cool because there were turtles! I had a delicious burger and chips! My favourite.

Speaking of meals, I wanted to quickly talk about the expensive food in Denmark. It is indeed expensive! You'd be hard-pressed to find meals for under $20 here. We were after something more around $10 and so to my disgust, we had to eat a lot of American food here. I was a little disappointed about that because I am all about experiencing the local cuisine but at least I can be proud to say that we did not frequent fast food restaurants like Mcdonalds or anything, but rather...spent sometimes an hour walking the streets looking for the cheapest place to eat. We found for breakfast, the only budget thing we could eat was a Bagel. I have never understood the hype about a bagel, but DAYAM - these ones were tasty and filling! They were filled with cream cheese, a meat of your choice, salad similar to subway, sauce and cheese so that they were practically taller than a hamburger! It was definitely a mouthful and what a delicious mouthful. I don't completely understand why there needed to be a hole in the centre but hey...it was not too bad pricewise so we pretty much ate this for breakfast everyday. The bagel worked out to be around $8 each. For dinner another night, we were recommended to go to a American Steak place which had a salad buffet deal for $15 where you could eat as much vegan food as you wanted - and it was really tasty too! Lots of choice. That dinner was ruined a little by the fact that for a few hours, I thought I had lost my mobile phone in a sushi restaurant we had gone to but ditched because it was too expensive. We hurried back to the sushi place after dinner and the waitress luckily had picked it up for me. Scandinavia is indeed one of the safest places when it comes to stealing items! PHEW. But anyway - wow, we did eat a lot of American food in Copenhagen!

After our late lunch, Kelsey and Manon went back to the hostel for a nap to freshen up for an organised Pub Crawl we were attending that night whilst Mina and I went for another walk through the Nyhaven Area as Mina had skipped the morning tour in favour of sleeping in and I was keen to get some shots of the place at night. It was really pretty and again, I regretted not having a tripod with me to get some nice long exposure shots!

Another awesome place we went past at dusk on the way back to the hostel was this building which was a replica of the Louvre complete with the glass pyramids in front (trumping France with 2 extra pyramids!)

And Oh look - more construction!

That night, we went on a pub crawl organised by the same company that did the City Tour joined by 2 guys from our hostel - An Irish and a German. We had a great night checking out 5 different bars and ending at a club. It was a pretty big night out too and after a quick stop off at Burger King we crawled back into our beds at 6:30 in the morning!

On Sunday we slept in a little and then spent the afternoon in Freetown Christiania - a truly fascinating place. Unfortunately, we could not take photos here so I have only the one of us entering the place. It is basically an area in Copenhagen which has declared itself independent from the rest of Denmark and follows its own laws and has its own flag. It is actually a little dodgy and quite intimidating (especially if you aren't used to seeing junky dens and substance use!) Still, it was an interesting place to see and my friends stuck together and it was ok. It is actually quite a touristy place with some markets selling souvenirs and a pretty lake. That day it was really sunny too so we sat by the lake, having a pantheistic time getting back in touch with nature and the rest of the day was quite a blur of mainly lounging around, seeing interesting people, and then walking around the city of Copenhagen a little more. We took an early night tonight, still weary from the big night out the night before!

The next morning, on the way to get some breakfast bagles - I was confronted by a wonderful sight! A SOLDIER WALKING CASUALLY ON HIS WAY TO WORK! We were of course ecstatic and it was our one and only chance to get a piccy with a fluffy head soldier so we took it!

That day, we checked out a place called Norrebro which was recommended to me by a friend in Sweden. It is known as the more multicultural area filled with art and cultural stores. It was another sunny day and so we took it easy walking around in the park and having some more burgers (like I said, we ate a lot of American food here). The highlight was my burger which was a Jack Daniel's Burger! I LOVE JACK DANIELS! After that, we found a really pretty area by the river and sat in the sun for a while longer. Yeah yeah, OK we did a lot of lazing around in the sun but seriously, it is sooo good after so long in dreary winter!

Outside the Norrebro "Town Hall"

I liked the stickers on the traffic lights!

 In the Park


 Lazing around by the river in the Sun!

After that, it was time for us all to part ways and head on home. Mina and I to catch a 6 hour train home to Uppsala and Kelsey and Manon to take the plane home. It was a long journey but there were some great views home and I admit, I slept for most of it. I probably wasn't the best travel buddy. Oops!

Well anyway - on further contemplation of my time in Copenhagen now that I am back from another holiday and going through the photos of this trip again - I realised, actually, Copenhagen is a truly remarkable and wonderful place! There was actually so much to see there. There was a great vibe about it, and everyone was so nice. I'd definitely go back again! Sure, London blinded me but actually - Copenhagen is a special place and I'm starting to really appreciate my time there more and more. It's amazing how time away makes your heart grow fonder =]


Erin said...

Who give a cat sugar and red food colouring? And who posts a video of it at the end of a blog about Denmark?

It's very awesome and exciting that you are seeing all these different things. Know what we did today? Dressed Elira up as a farmer on the side of the road in corrimal. While that was pretty darn awesome, it would have been cooler to do it in Denmark. Or London. Or Sweeden. Or Russia. I guess I'm trying to say I'm jealous. So you should keep going with the blogging, so we know what we are missing and you don't forget :)

Rachael : ) said...

Hee hee. I'm trying to imagine Erin's already killer cat hyped up on sugar and red food colouring. Scary thought...

Wow I can't believe you thought London was better. You, Annie, who had no wish to visit it at all. Now i'm super excited for my holiday lol. Why does July have to be so far away :(. I guess you dont want July to come too soon cos you'll be back in Australia lol. But I would like to see more pictures of Copenhagen! I love long blogs! (sad I know :P).

So I don't think I have any particularly entertaining stories about my day to win your little game. I have to admit, Elira dressed up as a farmer was pretty much the highlight this week in terms of entertaining stories. But that's Erins story. I get to go to uni now, to make colourful pictures, then I get to tutor a few year 10 boys and then I plan to curl up on the lounge and watch TV for whats left of my night- so as you can see- great story in the making ;).

I do plan to make Dad take me out to take photos with my new camera this weekend- which is likely to not produce any interesting stories, but hopefully some nice scenic pictures. I'll show you some when you get back! I so wanted to tell you about the camera on skype the other night, but if I did that, then the letter I sent would have been old news instead of new news like it was sposed to be (Bill told me you got it a few days ago! Postage times were heaps faster than I thought theyd be. How wonderfully punctual of the postal service :) )

Anyway, have a fantastic time travelling around and a wonderful Easter :)

Talk to you when you get back!!

Alex said...

Yes, agree that I don't have anything to compare with Erin's story of dressing Elira up as a farmer by the roadside- very chic by the way! As I said, I think that this should be a rival to planking as weird public phenomenon so Annie it's up to you! The future of our ridiculous idea depends upon you dressing a friend up as a farmer by the side of the road in a foreign country, although probably not Russia I think. Hope you have a wonderful time, you have already seen a bigger slice of the world than us all! Enjoy!

Bob said...

and this is uh...Bob, not Alex, who is commenting on your blog to make up for numbers so something exciting comes in the post. That's right, it's me...Bob...

Erin said...

Yeah, there is already farmers standing on the side of the road in Russia. Potato farmers ;)

Actually, I have no idea how farmy or how industrial Russia is. I would like to enougrage that topic being discussed in a blog post.

Alex said...

Well, stereotype (derived of course from Friends, of which I demonstrably watch much too much of) suggests that there is much beet-cultivating. I am sure that this is an atrocious misrepresentation so again Annie, please inform :)

HerenMeron said...

It's been how long now? and the damn cat. is. still. licking. the. lollipop. It's like that time I hibernated my computer after you sent this to me....after approximately 20hrs later, upon resuming my trusty computerised machine, the cat was still licking that sugar on a stick! lol :D

p.s I did enjoy your blog too by the way! that hot dog looks amazing...much like the chilli dog i had in melbourne! om nom nom! hahaha dw the photos are coming....perhaps it shall magically appear in your inbox upon your return?

p.p.s please bring back marat safin? thank you!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having a ton of fun!!!

Russia's a headache to get into so it's awesome you have a really good opportunity!

Have fun and be safe! x

Rachael : ) said...

Hey! So glad you finished it off. Love the pictures :). I didnt even realise it was here though. I mean, I've been checking for new blogs but When I saw the title I just assumed you hadnt writen since. I thought you'd do a part 2 blog rather than continuing it lol. Glad I saw it! Looking forward to Russia blog :).

Erin said...

Yay! Spiral ramps are awesome. That one in particular looked really great. I think I walked up one in sydney...at homebush..one of the olymipc buildings. But I forget which. And that one looks way cooler. Is it really old? or new? Or did you say that in your blog and I missed it?

Annie said...

I don't understand what you mean Erin...why shouldn't I post a video of a cat licking a lollipop in the middle of a blog about Copenhagen?... I thought it was really kinda relevant geez!

Also LOL about dressing Elira as a farmer on the side of the road! Best imagery haha. Actually - funny story! During my cruise to Russia. I watched a show on the boat and the show was Russians dressed up as farmers doing a farmer dance! I laughed so hard cause of what you told me to do and took a photo but it's not so clear but I'll still show you! IMAGINE THAT! Russians dressed as farmers dancing to hillbilly music! Golly..

Rachael - July will be here oh so soon! Seriously... time flies. So make the most of being in Aus - don't pine over Europe! one thing at a time woman! gosh...ooh how did you camera expedition go? I'm so excited you got a camera and even more approving because it is a NIKON right?

Alex! If you really WANT me to dress up as a farmer... I'll see what I can do. Perhaps I can do it during my travels around Europe with the others hahaha... which country? Probably Germany? And aww.. Alex - Bob is such a sweety where do you find such nice guys to write on my blog? You sly fox... you always know how to get the lads!

Helen! That cat is licking the lollipop because that is how you EAT A LOLLIPOP. far out are you uneducated?!?! If you don't lick it.. then you can't taste it. And it's a prety incredible lollipop cause it never seems to get smaller! I for one, am amazed! Saw Marat Safin when I was out clubbing but he was too drunk and fat to carry home sorry.

Yay for Erin and Rachael noticing I finished this blog. Erin, that's cool I didn't know there was a spiral staircase building in Sydney... this one is very very old. yeah but I didn't know much else about it sorry!

Thanks for all the comments guys! I have like heaps of postcards from Russia to send you guys... but I might need to grab people's addresses sometime. Maybe send me by email?

dylan said...

you went to freetown?!?! you craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy woman! thats like....one of the most ridiculous places on earth.
anyway i made a countdown on my computer today and HOLY SHIT 65 DAYS TILL IM THERE TOOOOOOO!!!!

Trent Tsai said...

Hey! postcards from Russia? Don't forget your old man and Christy. Care for yourself. Don't be too much exhausted.


Annie said...

Haha thanks Dad I just got back from Latvia - a little tired but everything is good :D I will definitely be writing the postcards soon.... of course I won't forget to write you one! I just need to find some time to write them... I'm so lazy.

65 days! WOOT. Dylan bro.... it's gonna be an EPIC EURO TRIP! (and yes freetown is quite quite ridiculous!)