Friday, March 2, 2012

Kitchen Reno's!

So, I woke up this morning for my 10am class and on checking a newly updated schedule (at least that is what it was labelled as) found out that my class was actually starting at 9. So I rushed out the door, hair still wet from the shower and hungry as crap but with no time for breakfast only to find that actually, nobody was there. Checking my Facebook page (we have a Facebook group for our class which is handy), I found that there was a debate on whether or not the class started at 9, 10 or 12. Well, it definitely was not 9 because there was noone here. I wasn't particularly thrilled and so I went to the cafe which is in my building for some breakfast. I meant to take a photo of it but gee, I was so famished that I had already eaten a good portion of it before thinking that it could be cool to take a photo and pop it on my blog. What I had bought for breakfast was a "frukost kit" which means Breakfast Kit. The little tray contained a cup of orange juice, a cup for coffee, a little cheese and salad sandwich and a cup of yoghurt with berries and muesli. It was actually quite tasty. I'm beginning to try and eat yoghurt again here, as it is all the rage. It will be a slow process however as I am quite, quite scarred from seeing enough off yoghurt to last me a lifetime.

Anyway, I was going to write a blog this morning while waiting for my class to officially start but I ended up finding someone else from my class who had mistakenly (or rather, did the right thing) checked the class timetable and rocked up early also so I felt it rude to sit at my computer and type and instead talked to her. But since I had already started writing like two sentences, I figured I might as well finish the blog off. So lucky you guys, you get another blog to read! This one is written on a Friday night where I would usually be out doing something but am instead home moping around my room as I have finally gotten sick! (first time since arriving in Sweden...nearly endured the whole winter without getting sick!)

What I wanted to talk about tonight was my kitchen. I realise that I have still not yet posted photos of the more common areas of my new home. Lucky for you guys, I took some photos back in January which I have  managed to dig up. The reason I cannot take fresh, swanky, new, hip photos is because my kitchen is being renovated. Yeah, that's pretty cool, right? I get a new kitchen! Not. Actually, it is very annoying because now me and the other 11 people who live in my dorm will be without our personal kitchen for the next 3-4 weeks! It begs the question, why does our landlord not renovate in the summer when all the students move out? Alas, it has already begun and we have been told if we want to cook, to use the kitchen of the corridor across the hallway. Sure, 24 people sharing one kitchen sounds like a GREAT IDEA! Nevertheless, I've cooked there once and met some really nice people so it should definitely be an interesting 3 weeks meeting the other corridor mates and then after that, it will be that corridor's turn to have its kitchen renovated and we will have our 12 new friends using our new kitchen. The crazy life we students lead right? The other funny thing is that in renovating, the workers have taken everything out of the kitchen and strewn it all over our living room and hallway and so the place looks like a royal mess! Oh well... it IS campus. I guess that is to be expected.

Still here are some photos of where I live - My corridor pre renovation.

Coming out of my room, I look to the left (towards the kitchen, exit and living room) and this is what I see

This is my kitchen. It is one of the best stocked kitchens in Flogsta. Most kitchens are completely bare of anything including cutlery and cooking utensils. This is where I got lucky. My friends are quite jealous

This is the living room...which does not really ever get used. It is pretty dark and quite small. You can see on the right of the photo, all our letterboxes and next to that is the door to leave

Looking into the kitchen from the living can see my fridge. We have in total 3 fridges for the 12 of us to share. The freezer room is located through a door in the living room which serves as a secret passageway to the corridor across from us

Looking outside the window in the kitchen.

Our billboard is decorated with lots of random things....the history of my corridor perhaps? We are also one of the only corridors to have a sound system in the kitchen. I can tell this place used to be a big party place!

Going back down the hallway back to my room. On the left, those white carton things are for the recycling. Here, they make you sort everything when you dispose of it. e.g. plastic, metal, paper, burnable etc.

A few weeks back, on a Sunday morning, we decided to get together for some brunch. It was the first time my friends cooked in my kitchen! Kelsey, the Canadian, loves her pancakes and so she decided to whip up some from scratch ( I was pretty shake shake shake for us) and she even spoilt us with blueberries and chocolate in them (separately of course). We also made Swedish hash which is like diced potatoes and bacon with onion all together and is generally served with a fried egg on top. We also had bacon! It was really cool... I found these photos too so here you go!

Manon says that in Netherlands you cook the bacon and egg and mushroom all together like this.... I was like an unmixed omelette? weird.... but still - it works

Breakfast YUMMY!

That juice carton there is cactus juice but it turned out to be all grape and only like 1% cactus

What a Rip!

Oh additionally...speaking of letterboxes. Thanks everyone for the crazy and only piece of mail I have gotten since arriving here in Sweden. I can really feel the love there. So thank you! I was definitely one confused chappy when this was plonked in my mail box. Haha and it was also dusty... you sent me DUST from my apartment in Australia! GEE. You guys are the best :P


Annie said...

OH ps. I also really enjoyed how you each wrote a bit of the address and then the big Alex wrote was obviously thought to be too ilegible and someone crossed it out and rewrote it. HIlarious! oh Alex! I opened your letter the one where you then typed it out so I could read it but included both! I'll have you know... I read the handwritten letter and could read most of it! I particulalry enjoyed the translation page too... on how to read your writing .. GOLD!

Erin said...

Yay!! You got our mail!

Best letter ever, I must say. It's to remind you of home, so you can decorate your room with reminders. Such as a reminder of how rarely you clean the key pad on your tv remote.

I have a question for you. Why are you scared from yogurt? Cause there's too much? Cause it's different?

Annie said...

haha thank you. and pfft who cleans the keypad of a tv remote they have never used? I'm scared of yoghurt because I worked at cafes where there was a lot of off yoghurt and it is gross. and I don't like cream at all... and the idea of off yoghurt disgusts me that is all. but here they eat yoghurt a lot and they eat it with muesli and cereal instead of milk. I decided I would like to try this because then the cereal doesn't get as wet...cause I don't like soggy cereal.

Erin said...

People do that here. I mean, they put yogurt on their cereal. I did that a week ago, and Dylan went through a phase where he ate that for breakfast, like, every day. I saw him.

I'll admit the idea of yogurt is pretty feral, but a lot of the yogurt you can buy isn't real yogurt. So it doesn't bother me overly. But it is still dirty when it goes off. I guess I understand where you are coming from...

Alex said...

Bahahahha! You actually posted it Pixie, I am very impressed because the rest of us were too sissy! And yes, soooo illegible. Ma calls it 'flyscrawl' so apparently I am the inventor of a rather useless font. Or maybe I should work in top-secret encryption- forget fancy number codes for national secrets!

Love your place Annie, it looks so comfy and colourful. Not to mention you have been entrusted with an actual honest-to-goodness oven! We were given 1 microwave "oven" for the seven of us, occasioning the baked potato-making travesty of '09. Turns out, it can be done, although a little crunchy inside. Glad to see picture proof of crazy experimental student cooking- definitely new Donna Hay cookbook material there. Missing you, keep posting :)

Annie said...

Aw I'm missing you too Alex! Wow - yeah we definitely do get ovens here.. 2 between the 12 ppl in each corridor. It's not too bad! Microwave ovens are such an odd idea aren't they? I know like Erin and Bill have them but yeah... I dunno. I cannot even imagine making potato bake in that!

I'm glad you like my corridor - it's quite a nice place... definitely a lot of character. I love how all the different corridors are decorated differently. Mine is one of the more friendly and homey ones - but others are super bare.

I dunno, I have never seen people eat yoghurt on cereal in Aus - but it's really common here. Yoghurt is so common here... that the yoghurt comes in cartons like milk and is bigger than the milk section so I nearly always go to nearly buy yoghurt. Once I did buy yoghurt mistakenly thinking it was milk. They look the same, have the same packaging and it's so hard to buy things when it's all in Swedish!

Erin said...

The yogurt section here is at least the same size as the milk. There's soooo many different types. Maybe you didn't notice cause you aren't a yogurt eater?

And microwave ovens can be awesome! I mean, not one for 12 people. Thats just doomed. But its just an awesome metal box that can be a microwave, or an oven, or a convection oven, or a grill! Sometimes two things at once! Like grill and oven. Or oven, but you put the thing you are baking on the turntable, so you don't have to turn it! I mean, that is just awesome. You do know that it doesn't use microwaves to bake and grill? It has elements and a fan like an oven. I mean, it's not a full size oven, but if you aren't baking a turkey, or cooking for 12, it's great! I mean, when my mum was baking the pies for dinner in the oven, she baked a cake in the microwave/oven! How is that not awesome?

I'm glad that you have enough oven space, though, whatever the size and form of your ovens.

Rachael : ) said...

LOL! I love the conversations going on in this comment section :). And Annie... you have known me for forever and you didnt know that I have yoghurt on cereal for breakfast and have had for at least the last 10 years! *sighs*. Yoghurt and cereal is like the best! Just dont think about the little bacterial factories making it for you :P.

And im definately jealous that the sun is not gracing us aussies with its presence. Its raining atm. Such a depressing sight out the office window. Makes me want to read blogs and the like instead of work!

ps, i wish the computer would hurry up and realise that im not a robot and stop asking me to prove it :P.

Annie said...

Golly I'm sorry I didn't know you guys also eat yoghurt on cereal. Maybe I am highly ignorant..but surely it's not that common? Here, all buffet breakfasts and continental breakfasts ALWAYS include a gigantic selection of cereals and a wide selection of yoghurt flavours.

ew...they are made in bacterial factories?

stupid rain :( and read away rachael! no actually, go do your work! and typing the verification code is good fun. they make funny estonian words