Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stockholm and We - I continue

So moving on from the previous blog onto the Saturday night in Stockholm .

Hungry, we stopped by a pizzeria to taste more of these Swedish pizzas which are rumoured to be the best in the world. As we had been walking around all day, my camera was really quite cold, the pizzas were quite hot, and you could see it when I took my camera to take some photos and it fogged up! Hilarious. It looks like we are eating pizza in an Icebar or Sauna but actually - it was just a nice warm pizzeria.

Also the pizzas were super flat but super big. I didn't think I could finish a whole one so I went halves but the other two went for the whole hog!

That night, we went out to the clubs of Stockholm and experienced what is probably some of the most expensive clubbing. Expensive drinks, expensive coat check and expensive entry. At the first club, we were strategic and able to get in for only 50kr which is like 7 bucks compared to the next club we went to which was a whopping 25 buck entry. Not happy Jan!

The coat check also cost money and it is basically compulsory because you are not allowed to have coats inside - it is a fire hazard apparently - but you also cannot leave your house without one. They then charge you to check in your scarves and jumpers etc. So yeah, money sucking places these clubs.

All in all though, we found that clubbing in the city was very different to the nations' clubs and I guess that would be because it is a very different crowd. In the Nations of Uppsala, the clubs are filled with friendly international and Swedish students who are all keen as beans to meet everyone. There is a very communal feel to the night and everyone is out to have a good time and look after each other. It is usual to bounce from group to group making friends and finding people you have met around every corner. In Stockholm the city however, there was a real glamorous sense to the place - everyone was dressed really well, and everyone was quite cliquey. They kept to their own groups and were I guess more selfish in their ways, pushing to the front and doing whatever they could to get what they wanted. The music was great though and the location was of course super swanky! Basically what you can imagine a super fancy expensive club to be like. Unfortunately, I have no photos - I'll need to try and grab them from my friend who had her camera but I certainly was not taking my SLR out there.

The next day, we went for a walk to a different area of Stockholm where I oh so sneakily lead the group to my new found favourite store, Urban Outfitters. I didn't plan to buy anything - I just love looking inside so very much. I even got some photos of this epic store for you. The place is basically like a giant old house turned into a store, this is only a section of it, there is an upstairs area and a few more rooms.

This is the change rooms, if you can imagine, people changing look like sillhoettes in the lit up windows!

After a quick shop, we went for just a walk abouts down by the water, but you guys have already seen those photos and so I didn't bother to torture my hands by getting a camera out and taking photos. As we went through a residential area of Stockholm, we decided to do some rock climbing!

I also got to see some interesting Indian Dancing... or some kind of indigenous culture dancing. It was pretty awesome and their headresses were cool! They were also singing while they danced and it was really quite impressive.

At night, we walked down the streets which were decorated as per usual with the pretty lights. This street in particular was quite special with christmas like decorations.

I'd also like to add that the whole day we were sorta hysterical from tiredness and so there was a lot of instances where we honestly just sat there and giggled and laughed for ages. I don't really know why. One of the times was when my friend said she wanted a Sundae from Mcdonalds and she called it a Sundae Ice. That was honestly like a 15 minute giggle sesh. It is infectious. My other friend used to say that she would like to "proposition" us when she actually means propose an idea. It's quite funny sometimes hanging out with people who don't speak English as a first language because they say a lot of things in weird ways. They ask us to correct them, though, as they want to get better and I'm usually happy to oblige. It is definitely always fun times hanging out with friends in Sweden!


Erin said...

That place looks pretty darn cool. I'm more that a bit jealous. Yesterday, I went to figtree. I saw a brown dog that might have been a poodle. So Stockholm seems pretty fantastic. Also, how do you pronounce Stockholm? I mean, I know how to say it, but how do YOU say it? Like you say yolk and walk? I mean, i say it as in 'stock home', do you say it like that, or like 'stock hole m'? I'm sure I've heard you say it, but I forget. And you mentioning people who say things oddly made me curious. And how do sweedish people say it? Or do they call it something else?

Annie said...

OH my! A brown poodle look-a-like dog in Figtree???? Wow, what has the illawarra turned into while I was away!

How do... I say stockholm? Lol ohh wow. Yeah I guess I do say it differently to you haha I didn't even think about it. I don't think anybody cares here - because here I am the king of English! I get to tell people how to pronounce words and they take my words as gold hahaha it's a pretty nice set up. But yeah, I guess I do say stock holem

I don't know how Swedish people say it actually. I will try and find out for you if it is your way or mine or a diff one altogether!

Erin said...

Lol!!! Just be sure you teach them the right way to say folk and yolk and such;)

I was thinking that we are both probably wrong and don't say 'Stockholm' like the people who live there say it. And they must be the ones who are right, so we should say it like them, if that makes sense!

And thank you for the prompt reply!

dylan said...

i swear every single photo you have taken of food has looked amazing.

i need to figure out how to make those pizzas....they just look so epic.

p.s. i say stockholm with emphasis on the l. stock-hoLm. stock-home just makes you sound like a bogan

Annie said...

I'm glad your enjoying my food photography dylan. and don't worry erin - I'm aware of my terrible talk. Even here, my inability to say the "th" sound has gotten me into trouble with people confusing my words free and three etc. Yeah - more than likely there is another awesome way to say stockholm.. who knows it could be the way dylan says it. I will endeavour to find out! And thank youfor your prompt comments erin!

Rachael : ) said...

I think I say stock-holm too.

And I think i could only have eaten a quarter of one of those pizzas LOL!

Annie said...

They are really thin pizzas - I reckon you coulda finished a good half Rach! Don't cut yourself short! I'm still working on asking a swedish person about stockholm