Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A High Five!


Looks like things are "A GO!" with my visa application and even if it isn't sorted out by the time I'm leaving, I can just sort it out when I get to Sweden. Best news I have heard all week to be honest! Fingers crossed there are no more problems there.

So today marks 5 weeks until I'm boarding my plane and heading over to Amsterdam for Christmas with my sister. There is oh so much to do it's pretty ridi-funk-ulous but heck, things are starting to pick up finally and I couldn't be more relieved.

It looks like I may be going to a place called GENT in Belgium for New Years with Angela (my big sister) and a bunch of her friends. It's a 2.5 hour drive from Amsterdam where she lives and apparently Belgian food is AH-MAAZING. I do not know anything at all about Gent except that it is in Belgium. Oh - I know! I'll do a quick Google search!

So I dunno about you - but I think it looks pretty freaking spactacular. What a colourful city full of awesome architecture. I'm sure the city doesn't actually look this colourful, it's the amazing photography skills... but still - I'm pretty pumped. I'll try and get some amazing photos while I'm there too!

What are you guys planning on doing for New Years in Australia? You should make it match or better my New Years plans so I wish I was back home with all you guys :P

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