Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm going to Myriam's place... be back soon!

Well well, it looks like I'm not doing too badly this time round with updating my blog! Remember how I said a few posts back I am going to Belgium for New Years this year? Well, this is where we're going to be staying!

1860 - Myriam's Place in Gent, Belgium

Oh and this is what it looks like now:

Here's a tour of the place t0o while I'm at it:

Er, yeah, I'll be glad to stay here! Thanks Ange :D

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm Down With Media Arts! Ye Bra!

Clothes Clothes Clothes!

Righto - So apparently Sweden is going to be cold! Apparently Amsterdam will also be cold especially over the Christmas season. I'm thinking that this may call for a little preparation and thought. Australia's winter clothes are probably not going to cut it.

I had planned to get all my winter clothes in Europe, but on the chance that I freeze before I make it to a shop, I think I should probably at least get SOMETHING warm to arrive in. Do you know what this means? Online Shopping! Something that I am quite quite inexperienced with but keen as beans to experience! As my dad is going to Japan soon, he offered to get me some clothes from this store called UNIQLO. This brings me to my first dilemma. Now, I am a winter lover! I love my scarves, and big thick jackets, beanies and layers!

But I do not understand these.

Down Jackets. Huh.

Is it just me who thinks they look unbelievably ugly? I'm super worried I'm going to buy one thinking they are the norm and turn up to Sweden wearing it to find I am the freak wearing a very ugly jacket (like some kind of classic chickflick movie). ARGH! nooooo!!!! Haha. But it's ok! I'm one step ahead of the people who will laugh at me! I've messaged a friend I have in Sweden to ask her whether or not people actually do wear these in Sweden. Yes, that's right! Market research! I'm a genius! So we will see.

In other news, I have been busy with the end of Uni meaning many assessments. One particularly interesting one is a Media Arts sculpture my boyfriend, Bill, is making which I have been helping with. We didn't end up being able to finish it due to time constraints but I think the video more than blows crap out of the water! Feel free to check it out :) N.B All the blur is totally intentional and designy!

(this is not the video, it is a screenshot...apparently Blogger only likes Youtube?)

Well, other than an ugly down jacket - I have read that I will need to buy some thermals. Ha. Who wants to see Annie in thermals? Yeah. Well - I'll be interested to try them!

Also Bra means Good in Swedish. Isn't that funny?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A High Five!


Looks like things are "A GO!" with my visa application and even if it isn't sorted out by the time I'm leaving, I can just sort it out when I get to Sweden. Best news I have heard all week to be honest! Fingers crossed there are no more problems there.

So today marks 5 weeks until I'm boarding my plane and heading over to Amsterdam for Christmas with my sister. There is oh so much to do it's pretty ridi-funk-ulous but heck, things are starting to pick up finally and I couldn't be more relieved.

It looks like I may be going to a place called GENT in Belgium for New Years with Angela (my big sister) and a bunch of her friends. It's a 2.5 hour drive from Amsterdam where she lives and apparently Belgian food is AH-MAAZING. I do not know anything at all about Gent except that it is in Belgium. Oh - I know! I'll do a quick Google search!

So I dunno about you - but I think it looks pretty freaking spactacular. What a colourful city full of awesome architecture. I'm sure the city doesn't actually look this colourful, it's the amazing photography skills... but still - I'm pretty pumped. I'll try and get some amazing photos while I'm there too!

What are you guys planning on doing for New Years in Australia? You should make it match or better my New Years plans so I wish I was back home with all you guys :P