Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Going to be a White Christmas

Hey everyone!

Great news. My flights have been booked and it's looking official that I am indeedy going to Sweden. When am I flying, you ask? Well I'm leaving for Amsterdam just before Christmas now which is pretty awesome as everyone says I'll get to experience a real "White Christmas." Huh - I just thought it'd be interesting to have a look and see what the Urban Dictionary defined it as.... Tell you what. I'm going to take a strike and say that everyone is talking about Definition No. 2! Thank you very much, yes I am quite excited to have a Definition No. 2 White Christmas. And then, of course there is New Years Eve! All in all - it should be a very festive, exciting and adventure filled end of the year to kick off what is to be The Adventure of a Lifetime!

But for the moment, preparation and hardcore saving is what is up in my world. There's just so much to think about, it can drive a person mad! Mad I tells ya!!!! It's ok because I already am mad so it suits me fine haha. As you can see, this post doesn't really have much point - just a bit of a ramble. It's what I do best.

Seriously though, I have been heads down researching and reading everything I can and Sweden sounds like a pretty damn awesome place to live. Uppsala is apparently not a large town but mainly it's made up of students with the partying being mainly at the Student Nations (of which there are 13 which I have to pick one to join... they seem to be clubs) and at the student campus, Flogsta (which is where I will be living!). YEYAH! The Flogsta residents also apparently like to yell and scream out the window and on their balconies at 10pm every night for no reason at all except that it's fun. Sure, why not right?

I have also heard that most people who go on exchange to Sweden end up managing to travel to a lot of other countries too! Some counted 40. 40! I can't believe it. I don't know how one could possibly fit that many. Perhaps I read wrong. I don't even think there are 40 countries in Europe. There probably is - but I couldn't name 40. It must be an exaggeration... I guess we will see. Another thing that is apparently common is to take a cruise to Latvia called a Booze Cruise....  hmm I guess I'll find out why :P Another thing people do is to take a trip up to Kiruna (basically up the top of Sweden just under the Arctic Circle) and go Dog Sledding, Cross Country Skiing, live in an Ice Hotel and see the Northern Lights. I'd like to Snowboard please!

So yup - many things to look forward to. For the moment though, it's boring Australian Uni work and assignments, and working at the printery to save me some moola, and counting down the days until I'm off! Which I believe to be 78!!!!!! WOW.

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