Saturday, May 9, 2009

EXTREME BOWLING - 9 mexican wave

i Hola !

Just thought I'd give this a quick update before I wander off to bed. 

We've invented this great new game which I think will take the world by storm! It's called EXTREME BOWLING! Why EXTREME? - do you say? Ah, well - there ain't no jumping out of airplanes brandishing an iron or anything - see, Extreme Ironing if you are lost.

Actually, It's just extreme because it is of extreme superiority to your normal regular bowling. Here's how it works:

You have two teams bowling against each other to win a prize - in our case, a packet of tim tams (which I forgot to buy anyway so the prize was an imaginary packet). Each round of bowling, anyone who bowls a strike, spare, or gutterballs/misses has to pick up a card. 

Woah yeah thats right! We made chance cards - not unlike the kind in say, Monopoly. They say things like: you must be blindfolded and spun around on your next bowl, bowl with both hands holding the ball between your legs, for the remainder of the game - the first team to complete the mexican wave forwards and backwards everytime a 9 is bowled wins 3 bonus points etc etc. They even range to you must swap teams with the lowest scoring member of the rival team for remainder of game and name 10 chocolate bars with caramel in 30 seconds for bonus points. WOO we got it!

And yew for making big fools of ourselves with our crazy mexican waves every 5 minutes or so! Damn, 9 is a popular number of pins to knock over....

Well - it sure jazzed up the game! And despite Blue team being the "Official" winners - I maintain the fact that Red team remain truly victorious....

They got to bowl a whole extra round more than us!!!! now, how is that fair?!?!

Saturday, May 2, 2009



I just went to KFC for dinner and they have this new thing called the KRUSH BAR ..i think that's what it's called and they make these awesome ...icey drink smoothie watcha-ma-callits called Krushers!


If you love golden gaytimes...try the golden gaytime krusher...its like...they...took a golden gaytime(oh glorious glorious golden gaytime) and mushed it up in a blender and HOLY MOLY IT IS SOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!

I don't get it. I haven't seen any ads for this at all...we go in and WAM~! new menu... and huidhuaohfyuegfyehauiheufgeoa new awesome thing and I resent the fact I was not told about this earlier! Shun the KFC MARKETING TEAM!!!!! cos all I can really find on it is some random Japanese clip which I not from KFC...

ha. yea. weird. ..well anyway czech it OOOWWWTT!!!!

I gotta go pick someone up from the airport now im laaate but I had to write this down now cause YAY FOR GOLDEN GAYTIME DRINK!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Design is Kinky! Wooden Toy Yew!

HOLY MOLY! I'm so stoked - I just came home from work to find... not 1.. but 2 packages sitting on my desk!!!! Don't you love it when you get a package in the mail? It's spiggin awesome haha - yay for snail mail.

So what was in it - you ask? Well, this is going to sound a bit dorky - but I recently went to this really awesome Design conference called Semipermanent.
That's just a photo of the lecturn.

Anyway - it's this really awesome Design event with speakers, side events, workshops, competitions and an afterparty at the MTV (WHICH BTW WAS AWESOME). The bands playing were Grafton Primary and Yves Klein Blue.. Here's a rather artsy photo from the part-tay!

And here's a link to the "About Semipermanent" webpage.

My favourite speaker was this guy called Timba Smits who founded and designs the magazine called Wooden Toy. If you're anything as goo goo about design and pretty pictures and graphics and colours and stuff, then this is def something to check out! 

Timba showed us the process of what exactly goes into making one of the pages in his mag, and showed us all these examples of his work. SO INSPIRING!!! Every page is painstakingly and lovingly designed with hours upon hours of work and MY GAWD IT IS SOOO PRETTY!

These don't give it anywhere as much credit - but just so you got an idea...
Right, so as I was saying... before I got sidetracked. I got 2 packages in the mail. And I was really stoked. I knew one was the Wooden Toy magazine which I had ordered online the minute I got back from Semipermanent - there are only 5000 copies printed so it's a pretty big deal to get in early!

But what was the other one?.... 

Well, to cut it short... I now have this massive dilemma. They seem to have accidently sent me 2 copies of this limited edition BRILL-FRIKKIN-ILLIANT magazine!!!! There only 5000 copies available and I have 2! I feel so bad.... 

Should I send it back so they can sell it to someone else? Should I give it to someone who would appreciate the true beauty of such a precious magazine? It seems such a crime to have two just sitting here...

Yet at the same time, I WAAANT TO KEEP IT SOOO BAD!!!! I guess that's the hoarder in me talking as well as the fact that I LOVE LOVE LOVE pretty, colourful, well designed magazines and I would look after it soo well..... 

I would never open it more than 45 degrees so as not to wreck the binding...or crease the pages, or let it anywhere near water, or ... ARGH! Seriously - I don't know what to do... :(

Should I keep it???

Thursday, February 5, 2009



Boy, this has been hands down the best Uni holidays ever.

Actually, I've only been at Uni for a year so that's not really saying anything. I'd say this has been the best holiday. (that's a full stop) ever! Which goes to show why this has been so ill updated until now.

A couple weeks ago, a couple friends and I did a Scavenger Hunt. This basically involves completing a bunch of tasks (200 of them) in a time frame of 12 hours (9am to 9pm) with the aim to score more points than the other team. 

This year, we had 3 teams of 4 running and it was truly an epic, epic day! Here's a quick low down of the highlights of our day for your enjoyment and ours. RED TEAM FOR THE WIN!

Highlight 1: Mcdonalds! The epitome of globalisation.. and thus a must for mischief making.

Task #1: See how many cups of water you can order from Maccas. A point extra for every cup you then drink.

...Completed! Each of our 4 members asked for 4 cups of water = 16 and they were drunk, with much toilet breaks.

Task #2: Eat a Bacon McFlurry

...Completed! As you can see..not as bad as we thought and we had the whole Maccas staff watching us eat this..including the manager plus a bunch of random girls who heard me order.

Task #3: Break down in the Maccas drivethrough. Bonus points for every minute you stay there.
...Completed! No photos unfortunately.... but we didn't get more than about 4 minutes. Still.. SCORE!

Highlight 2: Get a radio DJ to say a secret message on air!

Done and done! It was so cool. The whole convo with the radio DJ of i98FM was played on air... including the secret message "Red Team will throw a fish through your window!"

Highlight 3: Post a paper plate to Savanna

...done and done! She got it in the mail a couple days later... I've censored the photo so she don't kill me...

Highlight 4: Cool photos
Task: Myspace pose in public bathroom!

Ok..maybe not a HIGHLIGHT per se... but it's a cute photo! =]

Task: Take the best "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" photo

Highlight 5: The EPIC car battle

After spotting rival "Pink team's car", an illegal u turn followed by a bit of a car chase followed. We pulled up next to them and completed Task: Throw a fish through the open window of a rival team's car.

Except they smartly didn't have their window down... so it just flopped and bounced over their car and onto the steeet.

What then followed in the quieter streets of my house is what I can only call a Food Fight between 2 cars as we threw whipped cream pies at their car and they threw what I think was some kinda bready cake. Yes. They threw BREAD at the BREADVAN. Pink team then fled lest they suffer our wrath! 

Epic beyond measure?! You betcha! Did we get it on video? NO! DAMMIT. 

There was so many more highlights like you have no idea.  But these are the only ones I can really tell using photos. Most of the tasks were captured on video. Video or photo, we have some pretty great memories of things that we did...

Jess was the lucky team member to get a radical haircut (from me lol) A fake arm cast constructed out of paper and glue was signed by many randoms, and worn uncomfortably for the whole hot day by Elira, a 3-legged race was had through the local shopping centre, I was toilet paper mummified with the roll of toilet paper we needed to collect from a public toilet, a genuine attempt to call the Prime Minister... failed, and I tripped while holding a cake, landing on said cake. We also know now never to attempt to finish a tin of SPAM!

Ahhh.... and oh who won, you ask?!?!

RED TEAM CONQUERS AGAIN!!!!!! YEEEEW!!!! And white team owes our team dessert...