Tuesday, September 23, 2008

RIP my beloved NOKIA 3120 (July 2005-September 2008)

It's been exactly a week. So here I present to you my grammatically incorrect, tense-hopping rave about my difficult transition to my new phone. A most horrific and treacherous journey.

A week ago, this was my phone. A beautiful brick, the Nokia 3120, the best model to have ever been created.

My old phone, how I loved you. You were everything a phone should be, everything I needed. 

When I dropped you, you stayed strong. You continued to do your job when the younger, more hip phones would have conked it.

When someone dropped their phone and screamed about it breaking and being scratched, you were the one i pulled out to brag that you had the balls to handle it. And when you did get scratched, you didn't mind when I changed your cover.

You let me press your buttons knowing it gave me immeasurable pleasure. My fingers are forever in your debt for training them to type my mobile number over and over at impressive speed without looking; a skill I will treasure for life.

When I felt like spinning something, you were there to keep me entertained with your special balancing skills and ability to double as a spinning top. Similarly, you doubled as the perfect ball to toss and spin in the air and catch with no fear of any harm befalling you as you were as sturdy as sturdy goes.

You kept my life in check with your calender, ensuring I never forgot birthdays, events, or when I had to work. 

You always kept me in suspense when a text message came through, making me delete a message or you wouldn't give it to me.

And when I did receive my message, you rang nonstop like it was a call, a ringtone noone could forget, especially me.

I knew you so well, I could text without looking and oh so speedily.

I knew you so well, I could turn you on silent with you still in my pocket.

You dwelled for so long in my pockets, my jeans will forever sport the imprint of you.

But alas, it's time. 

Here's my new phone. A Samsung E250.

I bought it thanks to a certain friend who thought it would be nice to empty my wallet of 100 bucks and ruin my life by forcing upon me, change. I do not like change. I do not like this new "fangled" technology. I do not like the idea of having a phone which won't last me the years my phone has. I do not want to have an mp3 player on my phone when I have a perfectly good one already. I do not need a crap camera on my phone when I carry a great digital camera with me at all times. And most of all, I did not want to give up my old phone. 

Yet, this time exactly last week, I was sitting at home with THIS SAMSUNG THING (with a camera, mp3 player, fm radio and bluetooth compatible)... in my hot little hands, trying to work out how to reply a text message. Oh the humiliation of not being able to whip off a text in seconds. It took me close to 15 minutes.

But as I always say, I am open to new things, so I decided to give this... this...Samsung E250 a week to prove its worth. Samsung of all phones too.....I've been a Nokia fan since I got my Nokia 3120 in July 2005.

That's more than 4 years man!!!! 

The first 2 days were torture. I missed every single call on the berloody phone because I didn't know how to make it vibrate on silent. I lost all of my dates in my calender and was completely and utterly miffed as to what to do with my life, not to mention what time I started work. My messages were illiterate jumbled attempts at texting with the Samsung system. My habitual button pressing addiction was replaced with the motion of sliding the phone open and close ..... ahh.h..h..h.hhh.hhh... 

And there it was, the sliding, the eventual downfall to my vendetta against new phones (this new phone anyway) followed by this amazing concept called BLUETOOTH. Get this, I can now... send myself music and pictures from my laptop, ONTO my PHONE and actually have my favourite song as my ringtone!!! (for FREE!!!) I can even make the picture my background....no more optus smiley face background for me!!!

And as I became better at texting
And as I worked out how to make my phone not beep at me everytime I pressed a button
And as I worked out I could turn my phone on silent with just one button.... 

I realised, maybe this was a change I could handle. Maybe it was time for a change, for my Nokia 3120 to retire and take a chillpill. Maybe the Samsung thing could learn to become everything I needed and wanted in a phone. I did pay the same price for it as I did for my Nokia 3120...

Maybe these new phones aren't so bad?... Well, just this new phone anyway. I rate it.


Anonymous said...

4 years hey, what a record.
my panasonic X800 was roughly 4-5 years too, and was my first mob phone XD.

i love my X800, just hate the battery and the fact that it'll die if i text more than 10 msg per day. and you know me, text maniac.

And yes, change it GOOD annie XD.

word verification of the day >> "meffpebj"

Matty said...

You let me press your buttons knowing it gave me immeasurable pleasure.

That deserves a LOL

My word verification of the day - zdyige

Anonymous said...

I loved your love letter/goodbye to your fone.
I don't have any passionate feelings towards my mobile, the bastard could die for all I care.
I yearn for the iPhone yet my wallet tells me I have yet to save..

Word verification [I'm copying the dude above! :p]



Anonymous said...

It makes me cry everytime