Monday, September 15, 2008


I have a really brilliant scanner. I got it for my birthday 2 years ago and I think it'sace. It is HP brand and has a lot of functions which I don't understand... I know it can turn photo negatives into positive scans somehow. I don't understand how, but basically, it's a real good one, at least it was 2 years ago. It's a real shame that I don't have time to use it enough.In fact, in its lifetime, my beloved scanner has not been busy scanning my work - which there isn't a lot of - but scanning a lot of Purikura. It's really perfect for that because one of the functions allows you to magnify what you scan by 300% without blurriness and in quite good quality. 

Purikura is sticker photos; an awesome Japanese craze which I got a taste of on my trip to Japan in year 11 and have thus passed the addiction to many a friend. You gotta try it to understand it's brilliance! There's a big purikura precinct up in Sydney which is just awesome although fair expensive.

This is what the purikura crazy place looks like basically... but filled with lots of happy girls and good looking guys with nice hair cuts, and happy azn music....

What you do is you go with all your friends, get your photos taken amidst the crazy azn-ness with crazy backdrops or in weird scenarios in photoshoot style. Then you get to play with it and add things, words, funny moustaches etc. LIke this...but not in Sepia (sorry I really like Sepia)

That's us editing some of our photos... o
k here I'll put a google-d in colour one too just so you can see how incredibly colourful it is! WA HOOO!!!

So why am I talking about scanners and purikura anyway? I know it's fairly random. It's just I happened across my folders of purikura and realised that I've scanned a heap of them up, using my awesome high-tech computer and although I always mean to post pictures up on myspace or email them out, it seems this year or so I've gotten quite slack with it... since the demise of my msn blog i think. I decided, I'll post a couple up here, perhaps an incentive to get some more people to join the blogging revolution!!! even if it's just to leave a comment. It worked for my msn blog after all and considering how slow the connection was, that's fair impressive.

I don't know how quality, sizing and stuff will work out so this is just a trial. I'll post a couple here and see how it works out. But YAY!!!! PURIKURA PHOTO TIME!!!!!!

I can't help but LOL at Matt with a moustache, and TOILET WOMAN

And Pixie with Penis-itis... AHH HAHAHAHA and the shock when we realised omg Jess's eyes are closed!!! You can't tell when the actual stickers we got are so small....

Sorry they are messily arranged, I don't much rate the way this site gets us to handle the images after uploading them. A lot like Word... Something to take up with Mr

Peace out xox


Jessmindalala said...

I always leave a comment. So don't try to hold photos over me like that.

Lots of love from Toilet Woman x

Jessmindalala said...

Part 1: Yes you can come you totally should come. He's a brilliant man and it'll be really interesting. And yes you can comment yourself. I'm pretty sure I've replied to your comments before...

Part 2:
*rolls eyes*
like a "lolcat"
like "I can has cheezburger?"

Part 3:

Part 4:
Well you should just read it again.

Toilet woman <3

Jessmindalala said...

Do you live under a rock or what?!

I suggest you look at this:

And then this:

And then try to catch up on some other internet memes here:

You make me shake my head.

Anonymous said...

ok, my scanner is HP brand too and i never knew that it can turn photo neg to pos O_O..

Anonymous said...

oh look another comment to add to your collection. more photos please!! we so need to go on another sydney trip but i cant see it happening til...well, atleast after exams. i have nothing really to say. i think i have the same printer as you, yes?? in which case, one day you need to try fix it for me as im pretty sure its broken for some reason. and i have to show you some photos of buddy....we have a new dog!! :D:D