Monday, September 22, 2008

I don't mean to Beat a Dead Horse but...

While I study both marketing and graphic design; and thus should understand how businesses and their advertising strategies work, I will admit that I can sometimes be incredibly brand loyal. I mean, most people who know me would have probably heard me rave on and on about how great my
Creative speakers are, and how BENQ is awesome, or in the previous blog about my HP printer... or how I think Belaroma coffee is THE ultimate coffee and Derwent sharpeners (full steel) are the only ones fit for my pencils. How Windows Media Player (version 10) will always rip Itunes, and naturally PC and Windows XP are just perfection - pah to Vista and all things Apple :p haha.

But hey, if you stand to protest, I will go on about the Mac PC argume-....discussion another day, I have bigger fish to fry! (In terms of fish - Greenseas Flavoured Tuna is 98% fat free!)

But enough about that. Case in point, there is a lot of things, brands I guess, which I am quite attached to and I'm sure if you thought about it, you'd be the same. One such company that I quite like - to which I had many an argument with rival company users (e.g. Jess, Katie) during my high school days - is the Dion's Bus Service :) ahhh... and while of course, Premier does have many more routes and sure, I would have to catch a Premier bus if I had to go somewhere other than from Austimner to Wollongong/University, I still believe they are nicer looking buses and that they are better.

To bring up this old argument is probably not ideal, I think the phrase is (I'm gonna need to look up some idioms here).. hmm... crying over spilt milk? or... I should "let the sleeping dogs lie" er... "Pipe down" and "Put a Sock in it," BUT the "ball is already rolling" and if you really have that much of an issue with it, I expect you will just "turn a blind eye."

So OK enough, it's "water under the bridge" and I did promise myself that this was going to be short. So to "cut to the chase" This is what happened today which I feel places Dion's in quite a higher position then where it ended in the last argument we had on Dion's vs. Premier.

It was really nice and sunny this morning and I happened to be running late as per usual. I realised I had about 5 minutes till my bus came and gave myself 4 to get there. As I'm walkin up the street which connects to the highway, the Dion's bus shoots past with only 30 seconds until I reach my busstop. CRAP! I think. I missed it again, what'm i gonna do? As there is 2 possible Dion's busses it could have been -  like I said in a previous blog where I missed the bus but it turned out to be the other Dion's bus - I thought I'd take my chances and just wait at the bus stop and see what happens.

Alas, as luck would have it, the bus that came shortly after and I am meaning like 30 seconds later, was indeed the Wollongong bus meaning I had missed the University one. I had to think quickly, should I get on this one and go to the mall? ...I could get another $3.95 sub from Subway!.... or I could catch this bus to North Gong station and walk. ... that option wasn't ideal but it would have made more sense than missing class and eatin Subway. So I got on the Wollongong bus, and said to the bus driver, 

"Student to North gong station please" 
He said, "what?"
"um.. North gong station please"
He said "oh... but you're going to Uni aren't you? Did you just miss the bus?"
"Oh... *embarassed expression* yea... yea I did"
He said, "damn... how long ago did it go pass?"
"Ha.. like 30 seconds.."
He said, "OH! well thats fine, hurry up and sit down, we'll see what we can do for you!"
" ok?" *sits down in the very front seat in a confused manner...*

He then proceeds to grab his walky talky thing, contact the bus driver driving the Uni bus I missed and told him to wait at the next stop for me. Before rushingly giving me a lift to the next stop, where my Uni bus is indeed at Fairy Meadow Woolworths station waiting for me! (FOR ME!) He then drops me off, me uttering my thanks and running to the waiting bus where I again say thanks a whole lot and find the driver only charges me my fare to Uni from the Woolworths stop! That's 90cents instead of $1.50!

How AWESOME is that?!?!!

There are no photos of Dion's busses so I found this one I took in Melbourne of a Melbourne bus... many great stories about our bus experiences there too. But save those for another day ;) Dion's would be the ultimate if they were covered in cherries though....


Jessmindalala said...


It's the driver who did that for you, not the company.

And besides, he probably used to work for Premier.


Annie said...

pfft your just jealous. It's all part of the service!

and if he did used to work for Premier, why is he working for Dions now? Obviously because he likes it better!

OH SNAP! ha.

Anonymous said...

Yea, you already know how i feel about this post XD.

And you know, with the word verification, there's a disable symbol next to it =''=.