I'm going to Sweden on exchange in 2012! Here's my blog about it so we can all stay in touch - it's going to be Legendary!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
When Broken is Easily Fixed - If only :(

Sunday, September 28, 2008
2 intense hours of drumming

Friday, September 26, 2008
A reply to They call her Buttercup
Blind Babies and Urban Mapping
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
RIP my beloved NOKIA 3120 (July 2005-September 2008)

Monday, September 22, 2008
I don't mean to Beat a Dead Horse but...
While I study both marketing and graphic design; and thus should understand how businesses and their advertising strategies work, I will admit that I can sometimes be incredibly brand loyal. I mean, most people who know me would have probably heard me rave on and on about how great my Creative speakers are, and how BENQ is awesome, or in the previous blog about my HP printer... or how I think Belaroma coffee is THE ultimate coffee and Derwent sharpeners (full steel) are the only ones fit for my pencils. How Windows Media Player (version 10) will always rip Itunes, and naturally PC and Windows XP are just perfection - pah to Vista and all things Apple :p haha.
Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008
And today I was helping an old lady look for magazines on patchwork...
I feel really accomplished today.
It started out kind of annoying though. It involved going to my only class on a Friday which lucky for me begins at 8:30am. But that’s ok, I planned to go to the mall afterwards and look for some Colgate advertisements and brochures on wineries, transport, and real estate… (for assignments not because I’m particularly in the market for any of those things).
So, I’m walking into the Unishop to buy an art diary for the aforementioned assignments, leave my bag outside on the rack, reach in for my wallet and realise I left it at home. Far out. I had gotten to Uni by bus but paid with the 2 bucks which I happened to have in my pocket and I’ve trained the bus driver not to ask for my student ID.
So now I was in a bit of a pickle as to how the heck I was going to go home let alone buy my art diary, go to town and do my important research as well as go have another $3.95 6-inch Sub from Subway!!!! That’s when I thought I’d go with my theory that I always find money I leave in my pockets from change. I reached into my other pocket and found a 10 dollar note. SCORE!
So I head in and buy my diary for 5 bucks and then realise, actually 5 bucks is not enough for me to go to town, go shopping and get my $3.95 Sub and come home. So begrudgingly I decided I would have to go home to retrieve my wallet. I went to the Uni library to kill time while waiting for the bus and realised I should borrow some graphic design books which I also needed for research. After spending about 20 minutes deciding on 3 books which were the best I head down to check them out only to realise, oh crap. I forgot my wallet which had my library card in it! FAR OUT…. I go and put the books back on the shelf and then run to the bus stop and get there just in time.
On the bus ride back home I wrote a list on my phone of everything I need to do so I wouldn’t have any more mishaps. It goes:
Go Home
Get Wallet
Train it to the Mall
Collect rail information while at the traino
Find toothpaste ads/information
Find cheap 2dollar bin magazines from Newsagency on design projects
Buy a belt so I can put my belt buckles on it
Have a look in Sanity to see what I can spend my Sanity vouchers on
Go to Wollongong Information Centre for brochures
Eat Subway for lunch
Return Wollongong Library books
Bus to Uni
Borrow Uni library Books
Train back home
…. Nice list if I don’t say so myself. I go home, get my wallet. Decide to catch a bus instead. Run back to the bus stop and get sidetracked by the real estate agency near the bus stop and stop to grab a couple brochures…. And as I’m doing that, the bus zooms by. CRAP! I sorta walk after it before realising that’s not going to achieve anything. Then I just sit at the bus stop in the hot sun waiting for the next one which is in half an hour. At first I thought time must’ve flown really fast cause the bus seemed to have come within 3 minutes… I checked my phone and it had only been about that. But there was suddenly a Wollongong Dions bus in front of me. HECK YES! The one I thought I missed must have been a Uni bus….
So then I get to the mall, walk around for hours looking and failing to find any Colgate ads but finding a couple 2 buck magazines on wineries and real estate. It’s funny cause I’ve been there a couple times this week raiding through the piles of rejected magazines. It’s quite fun. There’s usually me and a couple other people madly searching.
The other day ….
“What are you after?” asks one of them, the big bloke who’s shifting through the piles of magazines like a bit of a madman.
I’m like… oh you know, music magazines, and anything to do with wineries and real estate for an assignment. How about you?
“Anything to do with cars! Cars man! I berloody love cars…”
Oh…ok, I’ll keep an eye out… …er…how about this Mercedes one?
“Oh awesome! Did you hear about the *something* Mercedes which just come out?”
….Um no?
“Oh. Do you like wrestling. Do you want this wrestling mag?”
Er…nah I’ll be right.
And today I was helping an old lady look for magazines on patchwork.
So after walking out with a couple magazines, I go to Wollongong Info Centre – get a lotta great free crap there! HECK YES! Then go to Wollongong Library, search through every woman’s day, cosmo, gf, new idea etc. magazine looking for Colgate ads – find nothing – find 2 cds I want to borrow, try to borrow them using the self borrowing machines to find ERROR – BORROWER SUSPENDED.
ALRIGHT. So I didn’t realise I managed to rack myself up a fine of 22 bucks…. Which is bad considering I get charged 10cents a day for overdue books/cds *sigh*
I go have a look for a belt in Skipp Surf and SDS etc. The guy working at Skipp remembers me from when I was there a couple months ago looking for skate shoes and made him go in and out of the store room a kazillion times getting different sizes. That was exciting. I like being remembered. He asked me if I ended up getting some shoes and I’m like, yeah some Cons J He’s like AWESOME! And I’m like yeah, but I still want skate shoes!
Then I go to Subway…… ahhh… tasty stuff, only at $3.95 though. Otherwise it’s a rip! Then it’s a bus right back to the Uni to borrow the books I’d found before. Shame I’d forgotten where I’d left them and spent quite a while re-finding them!
You’d think all that would have taken me all day….but it was only 2:30 by the time I finished at the Uni library. Which was a piece of crap cause the next bus wasn’t till 4:40. So I caught a shuttle bus to the train station, found no brochures at North Gong station (dammit) and trained it back home.
And to top off a really long day of too much public transport, while walking home from the station, a motorcyclist got hit by a car about 5 metres away from me. Huh. (He was ok, just a bit bruised and his bike’s a bit stuffy)
I think I really need to get myself a car.
On the other hand, public transport would be so much more interesting if it was like this. (photos taken while we were in Japan)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
But it’s not to say there weren’t any high points… I had that step thing on the highest setting (which nearly killed me)….
Huh. Maybe I should start again.
Annie’s blogcast has migrated! Perhaps only on a temporary basis but its here and its everything you ever dreamed!!!!! (..what are YOOU thinking?) So wow. I’m writing my first blog ever. (on this site anyway) EXCITEMENT! Like wow! Like… fo shizzle ma nizzle heck yes!!! Like… yea, Blogger.com rocks….
OK. The thing is, I’ll admit. I’m sceptical at the moment of this blog. I’m not overly convinced why it is better than anything else I’ve had in the past… (see live journal, see myspace blog. Or see that epic year or so of msn blogging… which took about that long to load – ridiculous. But damn I missed those days….) I’m getting to understand how to use this site at least. And since there has been a “follower” function added, (good on you blogger.com) if they add a few more things like that, it might turn out ok. I’ll give it a chance. I’m good like that, I am. *toothy grin* I will grace this blogsite with my undoubtedly insightful and witty writing.
Other than the blogging site itself, I also find it really hard to get back into the swing of blogsville after taking such a long break from it. Add to that the fact that I just have too much to say - I really am trying to restrict myself to not write a monster blog everytime….
So let’s see how I go. Jess said last night… pick ONE topic and stick to it. So I am. And that topic would be about the impending demise of my gym membership as of tomorrow.
It all started when - Oh… you want the story in short? … er… *sigh* fine.
Um. It ends tomorrow.
Oh… you want it a bit longer? Hmmm, I think I can do that.
So under circumstances which I won’t go into, I found myself in possession of a one month gym membership at URAC – the gym recreation centre – the kind with like… a pool, and squash and supposedly fencing – but I never saw it. You know the kind. Like aforementioned, I give things a chance. I like trying new things. I’m good like that. So I of course embraced the idea of going to the gym wholeheartedly.
Well… after 3 weeks of avoiding it anyway.
Then I realised, I paid the money. I better get my butt down there and at least have a look around and maybe play on some of the equipment. Matt had the membership too which meant he could kinda teach me what to do.
A treadmill is a fascinating thing. But the people who use it are even more fascinating. I don’t understand. I don’t get it. You can’t accuse me of not understanding… I went on it the few times I went to the gym and… yeah, ok I don’t understand. I mean there are definitely good things about it, it tells you things like how many km you’ve run and you can make your legs go really fast, hehehe, which is really fun until… yea.. I’m sure you get my drift. It is a really weird feeling to be… running on a conveyor belt next to 15 other people running on conveyor belts though. This is a treadmill for those who don't know.
I won’t even go into some of the other equipment…
So I quickly worked out the equipment wasn’t for me. But I had a week to go and I needed to get my moneys worth so I thought I’d investigate in some classes.
Aptly named classes, slightly intimidating however. I dunno what you guys think but classes called Body Pump and Body Blast don’t really sound .. natural? I dunno the word.
I’m proud to say, I went to two classes. I tried to go to more but time ran away from me leaving assignments to drown me. The first one was Body Blast and the second one was B.A.T purely cause that was what was available at the times I went.
What is B.A.T? … Butts, Abs, Thighs.
HA. Oh gee.
Body Blast by the way was the one with the …you know steppy thing (like a platform.. where you step up and down and follow what the trainer person does while waving your arms and twirling around) B.A.T was a bunch of people doing aerobics and then way too many butts, abs, thighs exercises like Sit-ups. I was gone after 5 of them, damn my lack of stomach muscles…
It’s really kinda demeaning though when the …ah.. more overweight and you would think less fit people are still going strong and are so much more co-ordinated than you. Oh man. Both classes just further emphasised my extreme unco-ness. All the stupid little skippy things. I always seemed to do them with the wrong leg, or with the wrong arm and I nearly died trying to get my legs moving fast enough to do some kinda alternating shuffle on and off the step where my foot seriously didn’t get time to … be on the ground. Oh and it wasn't helped when Matt was standing at the window laughing at me.
But hey… that package of fun ends for me tomorrow. I went a total of 5 times and even had a shower there. Yeah! I’m hardcore.. I had a SHOWER at UNI!!! *goes to class with wet hair… why is your hair wet? Oh.. I just had a shower – at uni..!!!!!* …well I thought it was a cool thing to do. Alas, I didn’t get my moneys worth but I got pretty close.
So rest in piece B.A.T. I’ll be thinking of what could have been while I’m eating those mega wedges drowning in sweet chilli sauce and sour cream from the Unibar - or next time I make a coldrock visit. And then, I’ll make it all better by eating a carrot.